Rot. Hon. Comrade Philip Shaibu, the Deputy Gov. of Edo State advised the newly inducted medical doctors to be good ambassadors of Edo State and Nigeria in all they do


Today, I am excited, to be a part of the first induction ceremony of medical doctors of Edo State University Uzairue.
I am highly elated because I remember with nostalgia, how I moved a motion for the establishment of three Universities for Edo State when I was a member of the Edo State House of Assembly.
I would like to encourage the newly inducted medical doctors to be good ambassadors of Edo State and Nigeria in all they do, put humanity first and remember that the country has invested so much in them by giving them subsidised education.
I want to appeal to them, not to be in a hurry to leave the country because doing so, will only benefit countries that did not invest in their education.
I congratulate the medical doctors and their parents and most especially the warrior Vice-Chancellor who has never relented in his quest to get this University to where it is today.
I want to assure the Registrar of the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria that all issues raised in his address are already been addressed and when next he visits, he will see the difference.
Today, I am a proud son of Edo State,  seeing that one of the Institutions, Edo State University Uzairue is graduating her first set of 37 medical doctors.