Department of Law


1.      Introduction

The study of law involves the acquisition of a variety of intellectual skills. These skills will be central to understanding and critically analyzing the rules and institutions which society establishes to secure and promote justice and order. In addition to being a preparation for the legal profession, knowledge of law, and the creative and imaginative powers of reasoning the study of law develops, is valued by many employers.

At Edo State University, uzairue(EDSU) it is envisaged that student will learn that law is not a body of knowledge stored in libraries, but a presence all around us, constantly evident in our social, civil and business interactions. To study law with EUI is not to amass large quantities of stored information, but to explore key issues of fundamental importance to society.
EUI Law LLB degree aims at providing students with the essential legal and academic skills to be successful in law as well as a range of transferable skills sought after in many other sectors.

The qualities that EDSU hope students will develop while studying law are independent and original thought, and enhanced powers of reasoning about many varied aspects of human activity.

  1. Brief History of the Faculty

The faculty is one of the faculties scheduled to take off in the First phase of the University’s development. The specific take off session is the 2016/2017 Academic session. Three Academic Departments namely; Jurisprudence and Legal Theory, Private and Business Law and Public and International Law form the foundation departments for the commencement of studies in the Faculty.  The foundation staff consists of 14 academic staff, made of adjuncts and tenured, three non-academic staff, a Law librarian and Computer System Analyst for the faculty’s e- library.

Goals and Objectives of the Faculty of Law                                     

In line with the Motto of the University, “Quality Education for Development”, the goal of the Faculty is to educate students from diverse backgrounds to become effective, ethical professionals who are employable in a variety of legal settings. The six cornerstones to achieving this goal are:

  1. Knowledge of law
  2. Practical application
  3. Analytical ability
  4. Effective communication
  5. Technology literacy
  6. Community consciousness

The Faculty, in furtherance of the University’s Mission, will strive to help students build a framework for life that is ethical, service-oriented, and appreciative of diversity and committed to continuing education. In addition to majoring in Legal Studies, students shall receive a well-rounded general education; with exposure to the traditional liberal arts, social sciences and management fields of study, in order to develop their abilities to communicate, both orally and in writing, to think critically and creatively, and to access, analyze, synthesize, evaluate information and generally manage resources.

The General Objectives of the Faculty are that students will:  

  1. Learn the law and legal principles in a variety of subject areas as well as understand legal procedures and practices.
  2. Recognize and apply the ethical rules and standards of conduct involved in the practice of law.
  3. Analyze legal problems, correctly applying the applicable law.
  4. Research case and statutory law, using traditional and technological methods.
  5. Function effectively with the computer technology used in practice and be prepared to adapt to ever-changing technological advances.
  6. Draft legal documents, including letters, using proper English, format, and clarity.
  7. Display effective oral communication skills to be used with clients, counsels, witnesses, and other persons.
  8. Be knowledgeable about the role and qualifications of the legal profession, including the necessity of continuing legal education and staying abreast of changes and advancements in the profession.
  9. Develop organizational skills necessary for successful law office functioning, including categorizing and organizing documents, calendaring, prioritizing work, managing time, using forms, and maintaining billing data.
  10. Gain basic skills in factual investigation and interviewing.






Core Law Courses


PUL 111

Legal Methods  I


PUL 112

Nigerian Legal System I



Required Ancillary Courses


JIL 111

Introduction to Logic I


ENG 113

Introduction to Prose Fiction


BUS 111

Principles of Management



GST Courses


GST 111

Communication in English I


GST 112

Logic, Philosophy and Human Existence


GST 113

Nigerian Peoples and Culture



Non-Law Elective Courses (Pick Any One)


POL 111

Introduction to Political Science


ECO 111

Principles of Economics


SOC 111

Introduction to Sociology



Total Credits (1st Semester)









Core Law Courses


PUL 121

Legal Methods II


PUL 122

Nigerian Legal System II






Required Ancillary Courses


JIL 121

Introduction to Logic II


ENG 123

Introduction to Drama



Non-Law Elective Courses (Pick Any One)


POL 121

Organization of Government 


ECO 121

Principles of Economics II


SOC 121

Introduction to Sociology



GST Programme


GST 121

Use of Library, Study skills and ICT


GST 122

Communication in English II


GST 123

History and Philosophy of Science



Total Credits (2nd Semester)



Grand total Units for 1st& 2nd Semester

45 Credits










Core Law Courses


PPL 211

Law of Contract I


PUL 211

Constitutional Law I


PPL 212

Law of Torts I



Required Ancillary Courses


BUL 211

Introduction to Computer Science


ENT 211

Introduction to Entrepreneurial Studies I



Law Electives (Pick Any One)


PPL 213

Customary Law I


BUL 212

Law of Consumer Protection I



Non-Law Elective Courses (Pick Any One)


POL 211

Nigerian Government and Politics I


BUS 211

Principles of Finance I


SOC 217

Social Problems I





GST 211

Communication in Nigerian Languages



Total Credits (1st Semester)






Core Law Courses


PPL 221

Law of Contract II


PUL 221

Constitutional Law II


PPL 222

Law of Torts II



Required Ancillary Course (s)


ENG 225

Survey of African Oral Literature 


ENT 221

Introduction to Entrepreneurial Studies II



Law Electives (Pick Any One)


PPL 223

Customary Law II


BUL 222

Law of Consumer Protection II






Non-Law Elective Courses (Pick Any One)


POL 221

Nigerian Government and Politics II


BUS 221

Principles of Finance II


SOC 227

Social Problems II





GST 222

Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution 



Total Credits (2nd Semester)



Grand total Units for 1st& 2nd Semester

50 Credits










Core Law Courses


PUL 311

Criminal Law I


BUL 311

Commercial Law I


PUL 312

Law of Evidence



Required Ancillary Courses


BUL 312

Application of Computers to Legal Studies I


ENT 311

Entrepreneurial Skills I



Law Electives ((Pick Any One)


PUL 313

Environmental Law I 


PUL 314

Criminology I


PPL 311

Medical Law I


PPL 312

Disability Law I


PPL 313

Family I



Non-Law Elective Courses (Pick Any One)


SOC 213

Social Psychology I


POL 313

Public Policy Analysis



Total Credits (1st Semester)









Core Law Courses


PUL 321

Criminal Law II


BUL 321

Commercial Law II


PUL 322

Law of Evidence II



Required Ancillary Courses


ENT 321

Entrepreneurial Skills II


JIL 324

Law in Practice



Law Electives ((Pick Any One)


PUL 323

Planning and Environmental Law II 


PUL 324

Criminology II


PPL 321

Medical Law II


PPL 322

Disability Law II


PPL 323

Family Law II



Non-Law Elective Courses (Pick Any One)


SOC 223

Social Psychology II


POL 328

Public Administration in Nigeria 



Total Credits (2nd Semester)



Grand total Units for 1st& 2nd Semester

46/44 Credits










Core Law Courses


PPL 411

Land Law I


PPL 412

Equity and trusts I



Required Ancillary Course 


JIL 411

Law Practice Internship  I


ENT 411

Entrepreneurship Development I



Law Electives ((Pick Any Two)


BUL 411

Law of Banking and Negotiable Instruments


PUL 411

Administrative Law I


PPL 413

Islamic Law I


JIL 412

Public International Law I


JIL 413

Conflict of Laws


PPL 414

Law of succession & Administration of Estate I






Non-Law Elective Courses (Pick Any One)


BUS 411

Business Policy I


POL  414

International Politics in Post-Cold War Era



Total Credits (1st Semester)









Core Law Courses


PPL 421

Land Law II


PPL 422

Equity and trusts II



 Required Ancillary Course


JIL 421

Law Practice Internship  II


ENT 421

Entrepreneurship Development II



Law Electives ((Pick Any Two)


BUL 421

Law of Insurance


PUL 421

Administrative Law II


PPL 423

Islamic Law II


JIL 422

Public International Law II


JIL 423

Conflict of Laws II


PPL 424

Law of succession & Administration of Estate II



Non-Law Elective Courses (Pick Any One)


BUS 421

Business Policy II


IDS 423

Issues in Arm race Control and Disarmament



Total Credits (2nd Semester)



Grand total Units for 1st& 2nd Semester

43/41 Credits














Core Law Courses


JIL 511

Jurisprudence & Legal Theory I


BUL 511

Company & Partnership Law I



Law Electives ((Pick Any Two)


BUL 512

Law of Taxation I


JIL 512

Law of Energy and Natural Resources I


PUL 511

Cybercrime Law I


JIL 513

Aviation Law I


BUL 513

Labour Law I


PPL 511

Conveyancing Law I


BUL 514

Law of  Intellectual Property I






Non-Law  Courses (Community service)


JIL 500

Moot trial/Community Service



Total Credits (1st Semester)









Core Law Courses


JIL 521

Jurisprudence & Legal Theory II


BUL 521

Company & Partnership Law II


JIL 520

Long Essay



Law Electives ((Pick Any Two)


BUL 522

Law of Taxation II


JIL 522

Law of Energy and Natural Resources II


PUL 521

Cybercrime Law II


JIL 523

Aviation Law II


BUL 523

Labour Law II


PPL 521

Conveyancing Law II


BUL 524

Law of Intellectual Property II



Total Credits (2nd Semester)



Grand total Units for 1st& 2nd Semester

39 Credits



PUL 111/121: Legal Methods I &II

The course is designed to expose students to legal methods and the workings of law in society. It will examine such issues as the definition and meaning of Law as order and justice; law and freedom; law and the state; law and legitimacy law; and sovereignty divine law; natural law and positive law; and social control through law. The course will also examine legal approach to legal problems including the language of the law principle, standards and issues in law, legal rhetoric and legal logic; legal reasoning and practical reasoning as well as legalism.


PUL 111: Legal Methods I

This course is an introduction to legal research as well as written and oral advocacy which reflects legal reasoning. It also includes instruction in using print and electronic resources in law in first term. Students learn how to write in legal style and format, including, for example, a case comment or a memorandum of law. This course also involves thedevelopment of skills, including legal analysis, case analysis and problem-solving. The specifics of this section of the course include:

  • The legal profession
  • Social order and law
  • Methods of social control through law- penal method, private method, private arranging method, constitutive method, administrative regulatory method, fiscal method, conferral or social benefits method.
  • Comparative adjudicatory methods
  • Customary methods of adjudication
  • The nature of orthodox legal process
  • Legal Language in Nigerian Law
  • Legal reasoning, logic and justification
  • Aspects of law- types of law such as eternal law, divine law, natural law human positive law; classification of law-common law and equity, public and private law, civil and criminal law, substantive and procedural law; written and unwritten law


PUL 121- Legal Methods II

This course is discusses the sources of law- primary sources: statutory materials; and judicial materials. Secondary sources:-books, pamphlets, letters, speeches, interviews, periodicals and newspapers, foreign materials.

It also introduces students to the use of source materials- the law library and legal research, indexing and identification of library materials; how to brief a case, judicial precedents and obiter dictum in Nigerian case law legislation.

Students are also exposed to legal writing methods and approaches in essay writing as well as research methods. Other areas in the course include:

  • Preliminary procedure in Legal research
  • Law reports, law journalsand law review.



GST 111: Communication in English (2 Units)

This course is anintroduction to effective communication and writing in English. Students are exposed tolanguage skills, writing of essay answers, Comprehension, Sentence construction, Outlines and paragraphs, Collection and organization of materials and logical presentation as well as Punctuation.


GST 112: Logic, Philosophy and Human Existence (2 Units)

This course is a brief survey of the main branches of Philosophy Symbolic Logic Special

Symbols in symbolic Logic-conjunction, negation, affirmation, disjunction, equivalent and conditional statements law of tort. The method of deduction using rules of inference and bi-conditionals qualification theory. Types of discourse, Nature or arguments, Validity and soundness; Techniques for evaluating arguments; Distinction between inductive and deductive inferences; etc. (Illustrations will be taken from familiar texts, Including literature materials, Novels, Law reports and newspaper publications are discussed).


GST 113:Nigerian Peoples and Culture (2 Units)

This course is a study of Nigerian history, culture and arts in pre-colonial times, Nigerian’s perception of his world, Culture areas of Nigeria and their characteristics,

Evolution of Nigeria as a political unit, Indigene/settler phenomenon,

Concepts of trade, Economic self-reliance, Social justice, Individual and national development, Norms and values, Negative attitudes and conducts (cultism and related vices), Re-orientation of moral Environmental problems.


GST 121:Use of Library, Study Skills and Information Communication

Technology (ICT) (2 Units)

This course exposes Students to a brief history of libraries, Library and education, University libraries and other types of libraries, Study skills (reference services). Types of library materials, using library resources including e-learning, e-materials; etc, Understanding library catalogues (card, OPAC, etc) and classification, Copyright and its implications, Database resources, Bibliographic citations and referencing.

It also exposes Students to development of modern ICT, Hardware technology, Software technology, Input devices, Storage devices, Output devices, Communication and internet services, Word processing skills (typing, etc).


GST 122: Communication in English II (2 Units)

This exposes Students to logical presentation of papers, Phonetics, Instruction on Lexis, Art of Public Speaking and Oral Communication, Figures of speech, Précis, Report writing.


JIL 111- Introduction to Logic I

This course is design to expose Students to the following;

  • Meaning and nature of logic; its premises and conclusions
  • Recognizing arguments, deductions and inductions, truth and validity
  • Three basic uses of languages, discourses serving multiple functions the forms of discourses, emotive works, kinds of agreement and disagreement, emotive neutral language
  • Fallacies of relevance, fallacies of ambiguity, avoidance of fallacies. Five purposes of definition, verbal disputes and definition, various kinds of meaning, Techniques for defining, rules for definition by genus and differences.

JIL 121- Introduction to Logic II

This exposes students to categorical propositions and classes, quality, quantity and distribution, traditional square of opposition, further immediate inferences, existential import, symbolism and diagram categorical propositions. Categorical syllogism, standard form and nature, vine diagrams, rules and fallacies. Reducing terms in syllogistic arguments, translation, enthymemes, sorties, disjunctive and hypothetical syllogism.

ENG 113 Introductions to Prose Fiction

This course deals with the nature of prose fiction in relation to the nature of literature in general, elements and forms of prose fiction, principles of appreciation of prose fiction and a critical study of selected African and non-African novels and short stories.

ENG 123 Introductions to Drama

This course is focused on the nature of drama and on its various elements, forms and artistic features. Students will be introduced to the theory of drama beginning with Aristotle’s poetics. Selected African and non-African plays will be studied in detail.

BUS 111- Principles of Management I

The course familiarizes students with basic concepts, principles, processes, significance and evaluation of management; functions of the manager, planning: nature and purpose; organization: nature and purpose, span of management, departmentation, line and staff authorithy; service department, staffing and directing, selection of managers, appraisal of managers, management development.

BUS 121-Principles of Management II

This course focuses in the in-depth look at management functions; some of the topics include directing, motivating, planning, organization, controlling and leadership, nature of directing, motivation, leadership, controlling, the control process, control techniques, recent development in management process. The Nigerian specific envinronment, management problems in Nigeria, challenges of indigenization, transferabilty of management systems (modern trends).


POL 111- Introduction to Political Science

The course introduces Students to the nature of politics, its organization and study. Emphasis is placed on the foundation of politics as a system of political life. The course also acquaints students with the problem of the application of the scientific method of politics, to the history and various approaches of the subject matter and to a number of basic concepts in political science.



POL 121- Organization of Government

The course identifies and introduces Students to the basic forms of government and the variety their organization. Various regimes are identified and compared in terms of their institutional similarities and basic ideas on which the regimes are founded. Students are also introduced to the principles of comparative government and to the similarities and dissimilarities in political arrangement, bureaucratic structures, leadership and administrative styles.

ECO 111- Principles of Economics I

This is essentially an introductory course on micro-economic theory. Topics covered include:

  • Subject matter of economics and basic economic problem
  • National income accounting- elementary models of income and employment, money and banking,
  • Employment and unemployment,
  • Public finance including government budget
  • International trade
  • Balance of payment and commercial policies
  • Development planning.

ECO 121- Principles of Economics II

This course focuses on macro-economic theory and covered the following topics:

-theory of production

-  Factors of production

- Theories of demand supply and price.

- Theories of consumer behaviour

- Theories of the firm

- Cost of production

- Pricing and output under perfect competition

- Monopoly, monopolistic competition and oligopoly

- The theory of distribution


SOC 111 –Introduction to Sociology I

In this course, Students learn to understand the social system and how it shapes and influences us all as individuals. Thus students learn the concepts basic to sociological perspective such as:

  • Sociological perspectives and theories
  • Introduction to basic sociological research
  • The social and cultural dimensions to human experience- culture; socialization, the mass media

SOC 121- Introduction to Sociology II

This introduce the students to the following;

  • Micro and macro approaches to the organization of social life- social interaction; groups and organizations, families
  • Deviance, gender and the human body- deviance and crime; Gender and sexualities; the body-disabilities, aging and death.




PPL 211 Law of Contract 1

This course focuses the attention of the students to the definition and Nature of contract: sources of law, concept of bargain, classification. Essentials for the Formation of contract - offer and acceptance, considerations, intention to create legal relations. Classification of contract Contents of contract; terms, representations, excluding and limiting terms and fundamental breach of terms. Contractual Capacity; infants, illiterates, corporations, mental patients ad drunken persons. Terms of a contract- express terms, implied terms, and exemption clauses.



The course introduces students to the definitions, functions, types and characteristics ofentrepreneurship. This course further examines entrepreneurship and ethics, entrepreneurship theories and practice; new venture creation; forms of business, business opportunities, starting a new business, innovation, legal issues in business, insurance and environmental considerations, possible business opportunities in Nigeria and introduction to biographies of successful entrepreneurs etc.

PPL 221 –Law of Contract II

This course introduces students to vitiating elements of contracts: Mistake, misrepresentation, duress, illegality and unenforceable contracts. Privity of contract: rules and exceptions. Discharge of contract: by performance, agreement, breach and frustration. Remedies/damages; equitable remedies in outline only, Quantum merit claims and quasi contracts. Contract under Customary and Islamic law: constituents, capacity, terms, breach, remedies

PUL 211 –Constitutional Law I

Nature, scope and definition of constitutional Law. Sources of constitutional Law. Functions of government; constitutional concepts- separation of powers, sovereignty in federal and unitary states, the rule of law; Ministerial responsibility; constitutional conventions; federalism; autochthony; supremacy of the constitution. Classification of constitutions-written and unwritten, rigid and flexible, federal and unitary, presidential and parliamentary. Constitutional history of Nigeria-1862 -1914-1966. Constitutional break down; the legal consequence of the change of government by extra constitutional means (e.g. during coup d’etat), the military in government; the period between January 15, 1966 to October1, 1979, January 1984 t0 date.

PUL 221Constitutional Law II

This course exposes students to supremacy of the constitution, parliamentary sovereignty and supremacy of military decrees. The concept of rule of law, the doctrine of separation of power- the legislature, executive, the judiciary. The concept of federalism and its practice in Nigeria., the three tiers of government- federal, state and local government; intergovernmental relation in Nigeria. Citizenship and nationality. Fundamental objectives and directive principles of state policy- their nature, and scope, enforcement and limitations. Fundamental rights- their nature, scope, enforcement and limitation. Arms of government: the legislative power- its meaning, scope and relation with the exercise of executive and judicial powers, delegation of legislative power, division of legislative powers between the federal government and state government, implied powers, repugnancy and doctrine of covering the field; investigative powers, oversight function and impeachment. Executive powers-its meaningand scope. Appointment, powers and functions of the president and state governors; federal and state executive bodies; federal and state attorney general’s powers.

Judicial powers- its meaning, scope and relations with exercise of executive and legislative powers (exercise of powers of judicial review of legislative and executive powers and judicial control of administration); independence of the judiciary; jurisdiction and powers of the Supreme court, Court of Appeal, the Federal High court, state high courts, the Sharia and customary courts of Appeal. Public law and constitutional  remedies and the requirement of locus standi-fundamental rights (enforcement) procedural rules, common law remedies , writs and orders of habeas corpus, certiorari, prohibition and mandamus, quo warrantors, declarations and injunctions, African Charter of Human and Peoples rights

PPL 212- Law of Torts I

Historical background and general principles of tortuous liability (defences will be considered in relation to each tort); Trespass to person; assault, battery, false imprisonment and international harm to person; trespass to land; trespass to chattel, conversion and detinue; negligence, and damages, including remoteness of damage; occupiers liability; consumer protection in Torts.

PPL 222- Law of Torts II

Nuisance, Ryland v Fletcher; Liability for animals; malicious prosecution; vicarious liability; Deformation, ;death as cause of action, fatal accident; Deceit; Economic torts-passing off, civil conspiracy, intimidation, interference with contact; parties; joint tort; cyber torts, class actions and remedies.

BUL 211- Introduction to Computers

 The course aims at making students computer literate. It introduces simple computer terminologies to students and thus equips them with the background to feed in and retrieve information from computers. The areas to be covered include:

  • How and why of computers.
  • What computer is; characteristics and capabilities of a computer
  • Functional components of a computer system
  • Computer system
  • Computer types-micro,minis, mainframes and supercomputers
  • Data hierarchy – bit, byte, field, record, file and data base
  • Data transmission
  • System analysis and design
  • Decision table
  • System implementation
  • Programming concepts and language

PPL 213- Customary Law I

The sources, main principles and development of African legal systems: statutory and customary

  • Sources of customary Law: Types of traditional political structure, the customary law of traditional societies, their sources and character, custom, law and morality, legislation in traditional societies.
  • The judicial process: indigenous systems ofadjudication, conciliation and arbitration, customary procedures and modes of proof; precedent; punishment and remedies.
  • The law of Wrongs: distinction between criminal and civil wrongs. Categories of crimes and civil wrong. Obligations arising from contract and status.

PPL 223- Customary Law II

  • The basic principles of law of persons. Legal personality, status and capacity. The status and capacity of females and minors. Family and other grouping based on marriage or descent; their structure and legal significance and functions. Domestic authority, guardianship and legitimacy and legitimacy. Judicial review of Customary Law in Nigeria; conflicts of customary law and English laws.

BUL 212- Law of Consumer Protection I

  • The concept of consumer, consumerism, and consumer protection.
  • Consumer protection efforts in different jurisdictions.
  • Regulatory agencies and their enabling statutes.
  • The Standards organization of Nigeria (SON)
  • The National Agency for food and drugs Administration (NAFDAC)
  • Consumer protection Council ( CPC)
  • Nigerian communications Commission (NCC)
  • Other consumer protection statutes such:
  • The food and drugs Act
  • The counterfeit and Fake Drugs and Unwholesome processed food (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act.
  • The food drugs and Related Products ( Registration) Act
  • The Price Control Act
  • The Weights and Measures Act
  • The Trade Malpractices ( Miscellaneous Provisions) Act
  • The Pharmacist Council of Nigeria Act
  • The Tobacco (Smoking) Control Act
  • The Dangerous Drugs Act
  • The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency Act
  • Consumer Advocacy and representation.

BUL 222- Law of Consumer Protection II

  • Civil liberties for defective products- meaning of product defects.
  • Defect in contract
  • Defect in tort
  • Defect under statute
  • Who is liable for product defect- who is liable in contract; who is liable in tort
  • Liability of manufacturer
  • Liability of distributor
  • Liability of retailer
  • Liability of dealer in second hand goods
  • Liability under statute
  • Defenses in product liability cases: Warning; users negligence or frolic’ compliance with statutory standards; Exclusion clauses; the act of a third party; other defenses.
  • Civil enforcement of consumer rights:
  • Enforcement under the Law of Tort- meaning of negligence; existence of duty of care; breach of duty of care; consequential damage ;the principle of causation; standard of care ; burden of proof; proof of source of defect ;recoverable damage
  • Civil enforcement of consumer rights under the law of contract
  • Implied terms in contract for supply of goods-
  • Exclusion and limiting clauses
  • Unfair terms in consumer contracts
  • Meaning of unfair terms
  • Freedom of contract
  • Standard of contracts
  • Legal control of unfair terms- control under common law;control under statute
  • Service Liability- meaning of service liability; liability under bailment: liability of inn keepers and hotel proprietors in bailment; liability of carriers of goods by land and air.
  • Liability for professional services.- liability of legal practitioners; liability of medical practitioners; liability of financial services providers.
  • Liabilities of public utilities. Bankruptcy

POL 211-Nigerian Government and Politics I

  • Pre-colonial societies, Organisation and structure, the Centralized and acephalous societies, the Habe kingdoms, the Bornu Empire, theOyo Empire, the Bini empire. The minority middle belt societies; the minorities of the south east.
  • Advent of colonial government- Lagos protectorate, the Southern and Northern protectorates- amalgamation of the North and Southern protectorates; formation of a colonial government; the indirect rule policy; its application in the North, West East.
  • Nationalism and independence movement; constitutional developments
  • Attainment of independence in 1960, departure of colonialist.

POL 221- Nigerian Government and Politics II

  • Independence and formation of a truly Nigerian government; attainment of republican status; Post independence elections and its aftermath. Uprising in the Western Nigerian Regional Assembly; the spreading of the political violence from the West to other parts of Nigeria.
  • 1966 coup and Military incursion into politics.
  • The counter coup and the exodus of the Igbo in the North to the Eastern region.
  • The declaration of Biafra and the outbreak of the Nigerian civil war
  • Creation of states
  • End of the civil war and the policy of reconciliation, reintegration and rehabilitation (The 3Rs).
  • Democratic transitions-1979, 1989 and 1999 Constitutions
  • Ethnicity, religion and gender in Nigerian government and politics.
  • Nigerian Economy
  • Foreign policy of Nigeria
  • Insecurity and other national questions.

BUS 211- Principles of Finance I

Evolution and development of finance; the scope of finance; the role of the finance manager; relationship between finance and other functions in the organization; sources of finance; the role of finance in the economy; carrier opportunities in finance; other financial institutions; forms of business; operating dynamics of financial environment; Goal of the firm and financial management,  Maximization of shareholders’ wealth


BUS 221 Principles of Finance II

 Maximization of profits: Financial Statements, The Time Value of Money: Part 1

Simple Approach, The Time Value of Money Part 2 Complex Approach, Interest Rates. The concept of time value of money; application of future value and present value; Annuity (sample Annuity); valuation of securities Equity and Debt; financing in Assets Real and Financial Assets; Cash flows implication in

financing projects; cost implication in financing; Decision; Dynamics of Risk and Insurance; Valuation of Stocks and Bonds; Bonds and Bond Valuation; Stocks and Stock Valuation; Risk and Return; Capital Budgeting.



GST 211- Communication in French, Arabic/ Nigerian Languages(The outline that follows though for French language but applies to all the languages)


-Introduction to learning French- learn the French alphabets;colours in French; Greetings and polite words; Morning, afternoon and night;the days of the week;; months of the year;count from 0-20; The seasons in French;Numbers from 21-60; Numbers 61-100; Tell time in French; Subject pronouns; conjugate (to be) present tense; Conjugate (to have) present tense.

- Basic conversation in French- Introduce yourself-basic conversation; Definite, indefinite and partitive; The five senses vocabulary; Possessive adjectives; Conjugate ( to love) present tense; Talk about hobbies and sports; Conjugate present tense; Food vocabulary; Meals of the day; vegetables;drinks;dairy products; food in general; herbs and spices

-Introduction to French verb groups-parts of the head and face; finger names; describe your everyday life; body parts; clothing; talk about weather; transport, transportation and travel vocabulary; common MUST KNOW verbs and basic phrases; family members; school subjects, ;school stationary; French verbs groups1, 2and 3; Present tense, FIRST GROUP –ER Verbs; present tense SECOND GROUP-IR verbs; Present TENSE-THIRD GROUP-IR-OIR-RE verbs; pronominal verbs.

- More vocabulary and grammar- Negative sentences; coordinating conjunctions; The imperative verbs; conjugate verbs in indicative future tense; the near future tense; compound past tense conjugation; names of countries of the world-A-F; Names of countries of the world-G-N; Names of countries of the world-O-Z; Indicative imperfect tense conjugation; present conditional conjugation; Interrogative pronouns- Question words-ask questions; Names of animals in French; Cardinal directions; Reservations on the phone

-Everyday conversation-Rent an apartment or a house; Arriving at a hotel; ask someone out on a date; Friends talking at school; make an appointment on the phone; shopping-buying food at the market; At the post office; Asking for directions; Shopping at the grocery store; Talking about your family; Talking about your weekend; the grocery list; Watching TV; At the hairdressers; At the restaurant; Ordering pizza on phone; inviting a friend to a birthday party; At the doctors; Apologizing for being late; At the fast food.

-French Language skills assessment.

GST 222- Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution

  • The ories on the causes of armed conflicts causes and escalatory processes are analyzed theoretically and empirically. Particular force to solve incompatibilities
  • Conflict resolutions – structural, strategic to conflict resolution and durable Peace are examined: training to develop the ability to independently conduct anerotically grounded analysis of a current conflict.
  • Methods and theses – lectures, seminar


Causes of violence

  1. Personal and interpersonal violence
  2. Causes of violence: structural violence
  3. Large scale physical violence
  4. Effecting change I – Terrorism
  5. Effecting change: Just War theory and Pacifism
  • Non – violent protests and activism
  • Approaches to peace: History of International Law and human Rights
  • Religion and humanism, conflict transformation
  • Peace Application Restoration justice, forgiveness and reconciliation
  • Inside – out – personal, command and International.



PUL 311-        Criminal Law I

General introduction and purpose of Criminal Law- the content of crime;History and sources of Nigerian criminal Law

  • Interpretation of Terms: Definition of Offence, Division of Offences;
  • Element of an Offence, Mens Rea; Actus Reus
  • Parties to an Offence.
  • Unlawful Assembly; Affray
  • General principles of Criminal Responsibility; Defense to Criminal Responsibility.
  • Attempt
  • Specific Offences Against the Person (1):
  • Assault Generally
  • Rape
  • Offences Against Morality
  • Prostitution
  • Offences Relating to Marriage, etc.
  • Criminal Defamation



The course focuses the attention of the students to the practical aspects of entrepreneurship by venturing into the following categories: Agriculture/Agro Allied (fish farming, crop production, animal husbandry such as poultry, piggery, goat etc,  groundnut oil making, horticulture (vegetable garden, flower garden), poultry), Services (bakery, radio/TV repairs, barbing/ hair dressing salon, car wash, catering, courier, event planning, fashion design, vehicle maintenance, film production, interior decoration, laundry, music production, phone call centre, rental, restaurant, tailoring/ knitting, viewing centre), Manufacturing (carving, weaving, sanitary wares, furniture making, shoe making, plastic making, table making, bead making, bag making, sachet water production, cosmetics, detergents), Commerce (buying and selling, purchasing and supply, bookkeeping, import and export etc), Information & Communication Technology (ICT) (business centre, computer maintenance, handsets repairs, internet cafe etc), Mining/Extraction (kaolin, coal mining, metal craft such as blacksmith, tinsmith etc, vegetable oil/and salt extractions etc), Environment (fumigation, household cleaning waste disposal etc), Tourism (car hire, craft work, hotel/catering, recreation centre), Power (generator mechanic, refrigeration/air conditioning, electricity wiring etc), Production/Processing (glassware production/ceramic, metal working/fabrication, steel and aluminium door and windows, paper production water treatment/conditioning/packaging, brick laying, bakery, iron welding, building drawing, tailoring, carpentry, leather tanning, printing, food processing/packaging/preservation). Students are to select two of the following areas of interest for practical. Topics should also include Products/Service Exhibition and Quality Control, Business Ownership Structures, Mentorship.

PUL 321-        Criminal Law II

Specific Offences against the Persons (2):

  • Homicide: Murder, Manslaughter, infanticide, suicide.
  • Specific Offences against Property:
    • Stealing
    • Robbery
    • Burglary and Housebreaking.
    • False pretenses.
    • Receiving Stolen Property
    • Arson
    • Forgery


  • Offences against the State
    • Treason and Treasonable Felony.
  • Miscellaneous
    • The police and administration of criminal justice: Police Law-Powers, Duties, Status of Police
    • Sentencing : General principles of sentencing;
    • Islamic criminal Law
    • Punishment: Theories and types of  punishment
    • Legislative Frame Work for Combating Economic Crimes in Nigeria
  • Corrupt Practices and other Related Offences
  • Economic and Financial Crime Commission (Establishment) Act
  • Money Laundering Act
  • Custom and Excise Management Act
  • National Drug Law Enforcement Agencies
  • Advanced Free Fraud Act



The course is a continuation of ENT 311. It focuses the attention of the students on creativity, feasibility study, legal framework, governmental policies, business negotiation, etc.  Students should select two areas of interest for practical and exhibition. At the end of the semester students will undertake excursion and internship and produce report.


BUL 311- Commercial Law I

  • Introduction to Commercial Law; Nature and Formation
  • Parties to Commercial Transaction.
  • Duties and Rights of The Parties
  • Sales of Goods.
  • Terms of Contract Sale
  • Transfer of Property
  • Performance of The Contract
  • Sale of Goods to be Carried by Sea


BUL 321- Commercial Law II

  • Hire Purchase and Carriage of Goods by Sea.
  • Formation of Hire-Purchase Agreement, Parties etc.
  • Obligation of Parties, Implied Terms etc
  • Formation of hire-purchase agreement and recovery of goods.
  • Contract of Affreightment
  • Duties of the Carrier
  • Usual clause in chatter party
  • Bills of Lading
  • Choice of form
  • Comparative Analysis of the carriage of Goods by Sea Act
  • Hague-Visby rule


PUL 312- Law of Evidence

  • Meaning And Scope of the Law of evidence
  • Sources of the Nigerian law of evidence
  • Fundamental rights provisions relating to the law of evidence.
  • Classification of Evidence
  • Relevancy of Facts
  • Admissibility of evidence
  • Admissions and fact that need no proof
  • Confessions
  • Statements by persons who cannot be called as witnesses
  • Similar facts evidence
  • Character evidence
  • Affidavit evidence


PUL 322- Law of Evidence II

  • Issues Relating to oral Evidence
  • Burden of Proof in Civil & Criminal Cases
  • Documentary Evidence and Proof of Statement in documents.
  • Competence and Compellability of witnesses.
  • Examination of witnesses
  • Privileged communications
  • Evidence of Previous Conviction
  • Wrongful Admission and Rejection of Evidence
  • Service and Execution of Court Processes
  • Status of Computer Generated Evidences


BUL 312- Application of Computers to Legal Studies I

Introduction to basic programming, designing and coding simple basic programme.

Programme structure, elements of basic programme; data types- constants, variables and expression statement types, assignments types, input –output statements; control statements; data base management system, creation access and storage of files. Use of A4GL.


ENT 311- Entrepreneurship Development I

The objectives of this course is to assist the students with identifying, planning and successfully, managing a small scale Business. It reviews entrepreneurship in theory and practice, the opportunity, forms of Business, staffing, marketing cost, financial planning and management, starting a new Business, innovation, legal responsibility, insurance, and environmental consideration. Course content include: Insurance of goods/personnel, Cash Budgeting, Cash Flow Management, Break-even Analysis, Nature of Financial Management, Investment Principles of Entrepreneurs and Growing your money-investment Options.   


ENT 321- - Entrepreneurship Development II

  • Develops the policy and legal framework neededfor successful business operation. Covered is the legal procedures for starting a business; legal aspects of employment; intellectual property rights and patenting inventions; risks and insurance; taxation; information services; ethics and good business practice.
  • Development of business / managerial skills, selecting, remunerating and motivating employees; attracting and retaining customers; negotiation skills; personal and time management and inculcating maintenance culture.
  • -Finance and record keeping; costing; pricing and credit control procedure; purchasing and inventory control
  • Research and development, especially information and communication technologies; Quality management, product design, development and presentation; launching of new products.


JIL 324 – Law in Practice

Visit to courts around to observe trial sessions will be undertaken once in a fortnight and in batches Examination and scores will be based on submitted reports by each student


PUL 313- Planning and Environmental Law I

  • Introduction – Definition of Environment & Environmental Law, The need for Environmental Law
  • Nature of Environmental Law
  • Sources of Environmental Law
  • Principles of Environmental Law … Polluter pays principle, sustainable Development, Precautionary Principle, Principle of Sovereignty, Common but differentiated responsibility.
  • International Environmental Law

Sources of International Environmental Law

Development of International Environmental Law …..

Bilateral Fisheries

Treaties in 1867 up to the formation of the UN in 1945.

From the 1945 to the holding of the UNCHE in Stockholm in 1972.

Post Stockholm up to UNCED in Rio De Janeiro in 1992

Covers Post UNCED 1992 to date

  • Contemporary issues in International Environmental Law … Trans-boundarymovement of wastes, Ozone layer depletion, Global warming and Climate change, Electronic waste.

The Development of Domestic Environmental Law in Nigeria.

Framework Legislation … HWSCP Act, E.I.A. Act, NESREA ActSectoral Legislation …. ONWA, Associated Gas Re-injection Act, PetroleumAct, etc

  • Incidental Legislation – Criminal Code, Oil Pipeline Act, Minerals and Mining Act
  • Aspects of Environmental Pollution:

                        Atmospheric Pollution

                        Water Pollution

                        Land Degradation

                        Waste Management

  • Institutional Framework for Environmental Protection.

                        Statutory Bodies and Agencies

                        The Judiciary

                        NGO’s. The Millennium Development Goals

                        Tourism and Conservation

  • Liabilities for Environmental Pollution:

                        Civil Liabilities

                        Criminal Liabilities

  • Problems of Environmental Pollution Abatement:

Access to Justice and issue of Jurisdiction, Locus Standi, etc

                        Environmental Mechanisms

  • Global Environmental Problems and Efforts:

                        Global warning and Climate Change

Trans-boundary movement of hazardous wastes

Ozone layer depletion.


PUL 323- Planning andEnvironmentalLaw II

  • Introduction: Definition of Planning &

        Planning Law;

Origin and Concepts of Planning; Components of Planning;

The need for Planning/Planning Law.

  • Nature of Planning Law

Basis and Objectives of Planning LawSources of Planning Law

  • Development of Planning Law

Town and Country Planning Acts (1917, 1930, 1946).

The Nigerian Urban and Regional Planning Act 1992

                          Prelude to the Decree

                          Setting up of Review Committee

                          Observations & Recommendations.

Basic Provisions of NURPD and antecedent Philosophy

  • Relationship between Planning Law &

                        Environmental Law

  • Relationship between Planning Law
  • Relationship between Planning Law and the Use Act
  • Definition of Development
  • Mechanism for Planning ControlConcept of Zoning

                          Development Control

                          The E.I.A. Requirements in Planning

                          Enforcement of Planning Control

  • Population and Environmental Planning

        Population and Development

        Population and Environment

  • Housing and Population – The Global Habitat programme
  • Protection of Developer’s Right

        Developer’s rights under Planning Law

        Adjudicatory Process

        Compensation and Betterment

        Judicial Review

  • Environmental Planning

        Relationship between Planning Law and Environmental Law


PUL 314- Criminology I

  • Meaning, nature and scope of Criminology
  • Evolution of Criminological Thought
  • Phenomenology
  • Aetiology of Crime and Victimology
  • Legal Principles relating to insanity, Mental Deficiency and other forms of mental incapacity
  • Criminology Aspect of Victimless Crimes
  • Criminology of Enforcement and Criminological Forecasting and Planning





PUL 324- Criminology II

  • Laws relating to Drugs Addiction
  • Alcoholism
  • Juvenile Delinquency
  • Theories of Punishment
  • The Law governing Sentencing and Court Orders made in respect of Criminal cases
  • Sentencing Practice
  • Treatment Techniques and Strategies and Criminology Research Methods
  • Philosophies of Punishment Correction and Treatment analysis of different forms of punishment or treatments, execution, the correction of the convicted.


PPL 311- Medical Law I

Civil liability of physicians-Brief introduction

  • Contractual liability
  • Tortuous liability

Grounds of the physicians Liability

  • Treatment contra legemartis (malpractice)
  • Duty of care
  • Standard of skill
  • Treatments and omission of treatment
  • Vicarious liability, Casualty, Damages

Treatment without the patient’s informed consent

  • Essentials of consent

The physician’s duty of secrecy, Doctor-patient privilege- the rules and exceptions. Civil liability in connection with hospital treatment, civil liability with regards to new methods treatment and experimentations.

  • Medicine and drugs-clinical trials of new medicines and drugs.
  • Trans-sexual surgery, organ and Tissue transplants
  • Transplantation liability
  • Liability with regards to artificial insemination by a donor;
  • Egg and ovary transplants,
  • Embryo transfer
  • Marriage and mental disorder
  • Testamentary capacity.



PPL 321- Medical Law II

  • Selected problems of expert opinions
  • Crisis of evidence provided by medical experts
  • Reciprocity between medical and legal professional people

Child abuse:

  • Euthanasia, natural death and rights to die, legal death, life support systems, abortion, forensic psychiatry
  • The mentally- abnormal offender; mental disorder; classification of mental disorders; mental disorders and crime.
  • The role of low intelligence/high intelligence and crime, psychological explanations of crime- personality theories about crime. Drug/ alcohol dependency and crime- criminally and chromosomal abnormalities-recidivism. Psychiatric examinations and Reports to the court.
  • Punishment and treatment
  • Criminal responsibility
  • Diminished responsibility
  • Legal enactments-mental health Acts.


PPL 312- Disability Law I

Introduction and general overview of law and disability- Concepts and definitions in law and disability; Understanding of the historical and social shifts in the construction of disability. Constitutional and municipal laws and disabilities.


PPL 322- Disability Law II

Types of and barriers to access and non-discrimination laws that impacts the lives of persons with disabilities across life’spans including; Equality of right to education, employment, discrimination transition to work, independent living, fair housing, fair housing, access to government  services and facilities.


PPL 313 - Family Law I

  • Nature of Family including the extended Family system.
  • The Nature and Sources of Nigerian Family Law.
  • Nature, Form and Incidence of Marriage under Statutory, Customary/Islamic Law.
  • Contract and Celebration of Marriage.
  • Void and Voidable Marriages.
  • Dissolution of Marriage.

PPL 323- Family Law II

  • Jactitation of Marriage
  • Judicial Separation
  • Maintenance and Financial Relief
  • Legitimacy
  • Custody
  • Guardianship
  • Adoption and Fostering
  • Succession, Testate and Intestate in Customary, Islamic and Statutory Laws
  • Foreign Marriages


SOC 213- Social Psychology I

This is a basic course dealing with the interplay between the person and his environment. Emphasis on both personality and process of interaction. Review of such issues as development of human personality through socialization, social perception, motivation and learning, role playing and small group interaction, attitude formation and change, norms and social influences, human conflict and collective behavior.

SOC 223- Social Psychology II

Socialization, social learning, internalization, conscience formation, values and attitudes, prejudice and discriminations, stereotypes, development and change of attitudes, social movement.

POL 313- Public Policy Analysis

Public policy and decisions: concepts, distinctions and types

  • Concept of policy
  • Concept of public policy
  • The concepts of decision and programme- differences between policy, decision and programme
  • Types of public policies
  • Types of decisions
  • Importance of public policy,development and growth of public policy analysis.
  • Public policy and the policy sciences and social sciences

Methods and approaches in policy analysis.

  • prescriptive approach
  • Descriptive approach
  • Micro studies
  • Macro studies
  • The independent and dependent approaches
  • The qualitative approach
  • The quantitative approach

Theories and models of policy making


  • The systems theory
  • The elite theory
  • The group theory

Models of policy making.

  • Rational model
  • Incremental model
  • Satisficing model
  • Mixed scanning model

The policy process;

  • Policy formulation
  • Policy implementation
  • Policy output and evaluation.

Actors in the policy process

  • Government actors: The legislature; the executive; the judiciary; the bureaucracy;
  • Non-governmental actors: political parties; interest groups; the citizenry, experts and professionals.

Case analysis of a public policy:

  • The Universal Basic Education Policy in Nigeria
  • The Rural Development policy in Nigeria.

POL 328- Public Administration in Nigeria

  • The imposition of colonial rule and the evolution of the Nigerian state
  • Post-colonial Nigerian government and administration. Administrative Reforms in Nigeria.
  • Nigerianization of the public service.
  • Inter-governmental Relations.
  • Administrative Discretion and administrative control
  • Secrecy and Responsiveness in Nigerian Public Administration.



PPL 411- Land Law I

The areas of focus for the above stated course are:

  • Sources of Nigerian Land Law
  • Definition and Concept of Land under English and Customary Laws
  • Classification of Rights and Interest in Land
  • Legal & Equitable Interests
  • Ownership and Possession
  • Family Land Holding and Disposition
  • Doctrine of Tenure and Estate in English Law
  • Co-ownership
  • Introduction to the Land Use Act



This course further exposes the students to the entrepreneurial process of writing feasibility studies and business plans.  The students are required to form cooperative societies in order to collaboratively generate business ideas and funds. Topics should include models of wealth creation, sustainability strategies, financial/ investment intelligence and international business.  Students are to select one area of interest for practical and exhibition. The programme involves Recognition, Reward and Awards (RRAs) and Mentorship.


PPL 421- Land Law II

The areas of focus for the above stated course are:

  • Land Use Act
  1. Similarities and Differences between ownership of Land and Right of Occupancy
  2. Administration of Land under the Land Use Act
  3. Alienation of interest in land and the issue of consent
  4. Powers and Limitations of State and Local Governments to grand rights of Occupancy.
  5. Attendant Problems Regarding Revocation of a Right of Occupancy
  6. The positions of Landlord and Tenant under the Land Use act.
  7. Succession of Courts on Land Matters under the Act.
  • Leases and Tenancies
  • Mortgages
  • Pledges
  • Register-able Instruments



This course, which is a continuation of ENT 411, further exposes the students to the entrepreneurial process of strategic management.  Topics include business financing, venture capital, managing business growth, negotiation, time and self-management, leadership, ICT and succession plan, defence of feasibility study and business plans.


PPL 412- Equity and Trusts I

The areas of focus for this course include:


  • Definition and Development of Equity in England
  • Maxims of Equity
  • Nature and Types of Equitable Interests
  • Priorities in Equity
  • Equitable Remedies


PPL 422- Equity and Trusts II

The areas of focus for this course include:


  • Definition of Trust
  • Trusts and other Legal Obligations compared
  • Creation of Private Trusts
  • Public Trusts – Charitable Trusts
  • Administration of Trusts
  • Commercial Trusts
  • Collective Investment Scheme
  • Pension Reform Act
  • Trustees/Investment Act
  • Unit Trusts


JIL 411-Law Practice Internship I

This course will entail attaching students to designated Law Chambers for practical experience of the legal profession. This will be for four weeks and during the first semester holidays.


Mode of assessment

Internship Report with a minimum of 5,000 but not exceeding 7,000 words (excluding footnotes) in length is all that is required for the award of marks for this course. Like the students industrial work experience (SIWES) programme, the students are expected to write and present their experiences in the report which will be presented at a seminar organized specifically for that purpose. The principals in the chambers where the students are attached will at the end of the attachment period also give their reports on each student. The reports and seminar presentations will be appraised and scores awarded.

Prior to the chamber attachment, students will be taught elements of civil and criminal procedures. The aim is to equip them with some basic knowledge about the proceedings in a law firm and the courts.

JIL 421- Law Practice Internship II

Like the first part of this course, students will this time around be attached to the legal Departments of both public and private establishments in Nigeria in line with the SIWES ideals. 


BUL 411- Law of Banking and Negotiable Instruments.

The areas of focus for this course include:

  • Brief History of Banking and Early Banking legislation in Nigeria.
  • The nature of the Contract between the Banker and its Customer.
  • Special customers of the Banker
  • Relative Duties and Obligation of the Banker and the Customer.
  • Securities for Loan and Security Documents.
  • Islamic Banking in Nigeria Legal Environment.
  • Banking Legislations.
  • Regulatory Authorities of the Banking Industry.
  • Negotiable Instruments.
  • Letter of Credit.
  • Performance Bond.


BUL 421- Banking and Insurance Law II

The areas of focus for this course include:

  • Definitions subject and subject matter of insurance
  • Classification of insurance contracts.
  • The doctrine of none Disclosure/Utmost Good Faith.
  • Terms of insurance contract – conditions and warranties in insurance law and construction of insurance policy.
  • Double insurance, contribution and proximate cause
  • Subrogation and assignment
  • Claims and reinstatement
  • Regulatory Authorities of the insurance industry.
  • Motor vehicle (third party) insurance.
  • Introduction to re insurance.


PUL 411- Administrative Law I

The areas of focus for this course include:

  • Meaning, Nature and Scope of Administrative Law.
  • Basic Concepts – Separation of Powers, Rules of Law, Constitutionalism.
  • Delegated Legislation – Nature and Forms of Delegated Legislation, Making of delegated Legislation, Control of Delegated Legislation.
  • Executive Functions of the Administration – Classes of Functions, Differentiation between Administrative and Judicial Functions.
  • Tribunal and Inquires


PUL 421- Administrative Law II

The areas of focus for this course include:

  • Judicial Review
  • Circumvention of Judicial Review.
  • Remedies – Certiorari and prohibition, Mandamus, Habeas Corpus, Declaration and Injunction.
  • Ombudsman – The Public Complaints Commission.
  • Action by and against the State – Public Officers Protection Law – Pre-Action Notice – Limitation of Action.


PPL 413- Islamic Law I

The areas of focus for this course include:

  • Historical Background, nature and the sources of Islamic Law

             The historical background:

  • Pre-Islamic Arabia; law and society in pre-Islamic Arabia
  • The rise of Islam- Sharia
  • The Prophet Mohammed; the quranic legislation, the prophetic sunnah.
  • The development of a judicial system; the MuadJabel’s appointment and prophet’s directions; Umar’s directions to the judges; the development of judicial institutions’ QadiMuhatasib. NagralMazalim; the role of juristic opinion (Ra’y) and custom (Urf) in the development of Islamic law; the emergence of the school of law; Malik Handi, Shafi, Hanabali, JA’far and Ashiri.
  • The development of Islamic Literature; Types-(e.g. compendia, abridgments, verses, respond etc.) the frequently consulted authoritative texts of various schools of law; modern developments, impact of Western legal system; Islamisation of laws in recent years.
  • Impact of Western Legal System on Islamic Law


PPL 423- Islamic Law II

The course traces and studies the following;

  • The History of Islamic Law in West Africa and Nigeria
  • The Maliki School of Law and examiners authoritative books and court system. The spread of the Maliki school in Nigeria
  • Application of Islamic law during the colonial period
  • The extent and application of Islamic law at present.


JIL 412-Public International Law I

The areas of focus for this course include:

  • The Origin and the Nature of International Law
  • Sources of International Law
  • Subjects of International Law
  • The relationship between International Law and Municipal law
  • Title to Territory in International Law
  • Jurisdiction
  • Immunities from Jurisdiction: fundamental freedoms; diplomatic representation; status and functions of diplomatic envoys and consuls; privileges and immunities; diplomatic missions of international organizations. State responsibility and conditions of basic international claims.


JIL 422-Public International Law II

The areas of focus for this course include:

  • Law of Treaties
  • Law of the Sea and Airspace and Air Law
  • International Responsibility
  • The State and the Individual
  • Peaceful Settlement of Disputes
  • Use of Force- legal capacity to use force- the states, recognized belligerents and UN
  • The legal claims to make war and UN Charter obligations, position of neutrals
  • Punishment of war crimes-Nuremberg Trials.
  • The United Nations
  • Human Rights and Humanitarian Law
  • Law of International Organizations with Focus on the United Nations and its Specialized Agencies
  • The African Union and the Economic Community of West African States.


JIL 413- Conflicts of Laws

The areas of focus for this course include:

  • Definition and nature of conflict of laws; interstate, international and internal Conflict of Laws.
  • Sources of Law:
  • Received English law; local legislation, rules of court; judicial decisions; customary and treaty; international law
  • Conflict of laws technique:
  • Connecting factors characterization; removoi; time factor and incidental question.
  • Limit to application of foreign Laws:
  • Non-choice areas and grounds for inclusion of otherwise applicable law; requirement of pleading and proof; prohibition of application of foreign penal or revenue law and exclusion of foreign law on ground of public policy.
  • Personal connecting factors-domicile, nationality and habitual residence.
  • Marriage in conflict of laws- Nature; formal and essential validity; polygamous marriages; matrimonial causes; recognition and enforcement of divorce and nullity Decrees.
  • Torts in the Conflict of Law- Nature; connecting factors; applicable choice rule at common law; Nigerian Case law on inter-state and international  dimension of conflict of Tort Laws.

Choice of jurisdiction and choice of law

  • External and Internal conflicts with respect to jurisdiction and choice of law.
  • Doctrine and Renvoi, and Domicile Nationality

JIL 423- Conflicts of Laws II

The areas of focus for this course include:

Contract in the conflicts of laws

  • Property in the conflict of laws
  • Conflictual Rules on Tort, Crime
  • Legitimacy and Legitimation
  • Jurisdiction-sources of law in personam and in rem; discretionary jurisdiction; assumed jurisdiction; forum non convenience; contractual ouster and lis alibi pendens; foreign Garnishee orders
  • Jurisdictional imm

Entery Requirement