Department of Computer Engineering



The Computer Engineering Programme is designed to prepare an engineer to work with all aspects of computers – not just software, not just hardware, but both. The software world includes high-level languages and complex programs, which are often required to solve problems. In the hardware world, designs also include many aspects of the physical world like temperature or noise, energy source and characteristics (particularly in our country still witnessing equipment-damaging power surges) and often must include compromises between many opposing factors. The ability of a computer engineer to work in both worlds is what distinguishes him or her from a computer scientist (with little training with hardware) or an electrical engineer (with little training in software). Thus, the Computer Engineering Programme includes several courses in both Computer Engineering (such as circuits and electronics) and Computer Science (such as data structures and operating systems).

Graduates are expected to have a sound knowledge of the fundamentals in electrical or computer engineering that allows them to analyse and solve technical problems, to apply hardware and software tools to problem solution, and to create and evaluate technical products.


 The Department of Computer Engineering is dedicated to finding solutions to big challenges and preparing students for leadership in a complex world. This is line with the vision of Edo University, Iyamho to become a centre of excellence in quality teaching, research, innovations and community development.


The general goals and objectives of engineering training should be in consonance with the realisation of national needs and aspirations in industrial development and technological emancipation. The graduates must therefore be resourceful, creative, knowledgeable and able to perform the following

The objective of the Department of Computer Engineering is to train students who would be professionals in any of the following areas of specializations:

  • Artificial Intelligence (developing computers that simulate human learning and reasoning abilities)
  • Computer Architecture (designing new computer instruction sets, and combining electronic or optical components to yield powerful computing systems)
  • Computer Design and Engineering (designing new computer circuits, microchips, and other electronic computer components)
  • Computer Theory (investigating the fundamental theories of how computers solve problems, and applying the results to other areas of computer engineering)
  • Information Technology (developing and managing information systems that support a business or other organization)
  • Operating Systems and Networks (developing the basic software computers use to supervise themselves or to communicate with other computers)
  • Robotics (designing computer-controlled robots for performing repetitive industrial tasks)
  • Software Applications (applying computing software to solve problems outside the computer field - in education or medicine, for example).

Software Engineering (generating computer programs)


Course Code

Course Title





First Semester





CPE 331

Computer Engineering Laboratory I





CPE 311

Data Communication and Networks





CPE 312

Communication Principles





EEE 311

Electric Circuit Theory I





EEE 312

Analogue Electronic Circuits





EEE 313

Electrical Machines I





EEE 314

Digital Electronics Circuits





EEE 318

Electrical Measurement and Instrumentation





GEE 311

Engineering Mathematics III





ENT 311

Entrepreneurial Skills I

















CPE 341

Computer Engineering Laboratory II





CPE 322

Software Engineering I 





EEE 326

Electromagnetic fields and waves





GEE 321

Engineering Mathematics IV





GEE 322

Engineering Communication





GEE 323

Engineering Economics





GEE 399

Students’ Industrial WORK experience Scheme (SIWES) II





ENT 321

Entrepreneurial Skills II






Total Unit














Course Code

Course Title




Credit Units

First Semester





CPE 431

Computer Engineering Laboratory III





CPE 412

Microprocessor System and Interfacing





CPE 413

Computer Organization and Architecture





CPE 414

Assembly Language Programming





CPE 415

Software Engineering II





CPE 416

Parallel and Distributed Computing





CPE 417

Prototyping Techniques





CPE 418

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence





EEE 411

Control Engineering I





GEE 411

Technical Report Writing & Presentation





ENT 411

Entrepreneurship Development I























Total Units (First & Second Semesters)







Course Code

Course Title




Units Credits

First Semester





CPE 511






CPE 512

Embedded System Design 





CPE 513

Cyberpreneurship and Cyberlaw





CPE 514

Computer Security Techniques I





CPE 515

Reliability and Maintainability





GEE 513

Engineering Management, Cost & Evaluation






















CPE 521






CPE 522

Computer Graphics and Animations





CPE 523

Artificial Neural Networks





EEE 527

Digital Signal Processing





GEE 523

Engineering law





ENT 421

Entrepreneurship II

















CPE 524

Digital Image Processing





CPE 525

Fuzzy Logic and Programming





CPE 526

Robotic and Animation





CPE 528

Wireless Sensor Networks





CPE 515

Cryptography principles and Applications





EEE 514

Design & installation of Electrical & ICT Services





CPE 527

Computer Security Techniques II





EEE 511

Control Engineering II











Total Units (First & Second Semesters)







CPE 331: Computer Engineering Laboratory I    (2 Units)

Laboratory investigations and report submission on selected experiments and projects drawn from introduction to Electrical Engineering, Materials Science, Applied Mechanics, Applied Computer Programming I and Workshop Technology Courses.

CPE 311: Data Communication and Networks     (3 Units)

Introduction to Data communications: the Development of Data Communications; types and sources of data, simple communications network, transmission definitions, one way transmission, half duplex transmission, transmission codes, transmission modes, parallel transmission, serial transmission, bit synchronization, character synchronization, character synchronization, synchronous transmission, asynchronous transmission, efficiency of transmission, error detection methods and data compression. Protocols: Introduction to network protocol. Seven Layer ISO-OSI standard protocols and network architecture. Transport protocols, session services protocols, and other protocols. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 802 standards. Error control and Data Compression: Forward Error Control; error detection methods; parity checking; linear block codes, cyclic redundancy checking; feedback error control, data compression, Huffman coding and dynamic Huffman coding. Local Area Networks: medium access control techniques – Ethernet, token bus and token ring; LAN standards; fibre distributed data interface, metropolitan area network. Peer-to-peer, Client Server. Client-Server Requirements: GUI design standards, interface independence, platform independence, transaction processing, connectivity, reliability, backup and recovery mechanisms. Information Network Software; Features and benefits of major recovery mechanisms. Information Network Software: features and benefits of major Network Operating Systems. Network OS: (e.g. Novell NetWare, UNIX/LINUX, OS/2 & Windows NT). TCP/IP and Network OS. INTERNET: Definition, architecture, services, Internet addressing. Internet protocol, IPv4, IPv6. Internet programming, Intranet. System administration, and security issues.

CPE 312: Communication Principles          (3 Units)

Amplitude modulation; double sideband, single sideband and vestigial sideband modulation schemes; simple modulators, power and bandwidth performance. Angle modulation; frequency modulation, phase modulation, band width requirements, clippers and limiters. Amplitude modulated signal reception; discrimination, frequency tracking loop, phase locked loop and noise performance. Commercial radio systems. Transmission media; attenuation in open space, air, cable and fibre channels; construction of cables and fibres, sampling theorem, pulse amplitude modulation, pulse width modulation, multiplexing, quantization systems and pulse code modulation, delta modulation, courses and correction of errors in PCM and DM.


EEE 311: Electric Circuit Theory I             (3 Units)

Circuit elements, circuit theorems, applications. Network response to steps, ramp, impulses. Network functions, response to exponential, sinusoidal sources. Laplace transform, poles, zero analysis, network synthesis, resonance, two-point analysis, ladder network. Star-Delta transformation, Two Port Networks.

EEE 312: Analogue Electronic Circuits      (3 Units)

Review of single-stage transistor amplifiers using BJTS and EETs Equivalent circuit and calculation of current gain, voltage gain, power gain, input and output impedance. Operational Amplifiers: Parameters and applications. Feedback, Broadband and narrowed band amplifies. Power amplifiers. Voltage and current stabilizing circuit. Voltage amplifiers, multi storage amplifier. Using BJTs and FETs.

EEE 313: Electrical Machines I                   (2 Units)

Review of electromechanical energy conversion, rotating magnetic fields, performance and methods of speed control of DC machines, induction motors, linear induction motors, circle diagrams, power transformers, parallel operation of 3-phase transformers.

EEE 314: Digital Electronics Circuits                     (3 Units)

Number Systems and Codes. Logic Gate Simplification of Logic expressions using Boolean Algebra. Simplification of Logic expressions using Karnaugh Method. Design combinational circuit. Flip-Flops. Application of Flip-Flops in the design of counters, registers and timers. Switching and Waves shipping circuit. Generation of non sinusoidal signal (multi vibrators). Introduction to ADC and DAC. Design of Logic Gates (Diode, DTL, TTL, ECL etc)

EEE 314: Digital Electronics Circuits         (3 Units)

Number Systems and Code. Logic Gates. Simplification of Logic Expressions using Boolean algebra. Simplification of Logic expressions using Karnaugh Maps. Combinational Logic Circuit Design Analysis and Synthesis. Algorithms for deriving minimal SOP forms from K-maps. POS form using K-maps. Algorithms for deriving minimal POS forms from K-maps. Computer-aided minimization of switching functions. Digital vs. analog systems. Mixed signal design, analogue and digital grounding. Digital system design hierarchy. Logic devices : TTL and CMOS families, technology, applications, signal levels, mixing, and interfacing. Interference and noise. Memory devices. Latches, Flip-flops. Sequential Logic Design: Counters, Registers. Timing circuits. Modular Design. Decoders. Decoder Circuit Structures. Implementing Logic Functions Using Decoder. Encoder Circuit Structures. Multiplexers/Data. Selectors. Multiplexer Circuit Structures. Applications of Multiplexers. Demultiplexers/Data Distributors. Arithmetic Circuits: Half Adder/Subtractors Full Adders/Subtractors. Comparators. Arithmetic Overflow Detection. Design Example: A Computer Arithmetic Logic Unit. Computer-aided Design of Modular Systems.

EEE318: Electrical Measurement and Instrumentation   (3 Units)

General Instrumentation, Basic Meter in DC measurement. Basic meter in AC measurements; rectifier voltmeter, electro-dynamometer and Wattmeter, instrument transformers; DC and AC bridges and their applications; general form of AC bridge universal impedance bridge; Electronic instruments for the measurement of voltage, current resistance and other circuit parameter, electronic voltmeters, AC voltmeters using rectifiers, electronic multimeter, digital volumeters; oscilloscope: vertical deflection system, horizontal deflection system, probes, sampling CRO, Instruments for generating and analyzing waveforms; square-wave and pulse generator, signal generators, function generators, wave

GEE 311: Engineering Mathematics III     (3 Units)

Linear Algebra. Elements of Matrices, Determinants, Inverses of Matrices, Theory of Linear Equations, Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors. Analytical Geometry, Coordinate Transformation, Solid Geometry, Polar, Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates. Elements of Functions of Several Variables, Surface Variables. Ordinary Integrals, Evaluation of Double Integrals, Triple Integrals, Line Integrals and Surface Integrals. Derivation and Integrals of Vectors, The Gradient of Scalar quantities. Flux of Vectors, The Curl of a Vector Field, Gauss, Greens and Stoke’s Theorems and Applications. Singular Valued Functions. Multivalued Functions, Analytical Functions, Cauchy Riemann’s Equations. Singularities and Zeroes, Contour Integration including the use of Cauchy’s Integral Theorems, Bilinear Transformation.


ENT 311: Entrepreneurial Skills I  (2 Units)

The course focuses the attention of the students to the practical aspects of entrepreneurship by venturing into the following categories: Agriculture/Agro Allied (fish farming, crop production, animal husbandry such as poultry, piggery, goat etc,  groundnut oil making, horticulture (vegetable garden, flower garden), poultry), Services (bakery, radio/TV repairs, barbing/ hair dressing salon, car wash, catering, courier, event planning, fashion design, vehicle maintenance, film production, interior decoration, laundry, music production, phone call centre, rental, restaurant, tailoring/ knitting, viewing centre), Manufacturing (carving, weaving, sanitary wares, furniture making, shoe making, plastic making, table making, bead making, bag making, sachet water production, cosmetics, detergents), Commerce (buying and selling, purchasing and supply, bookkeeping, import and export etc), Information & Communication Technology (ICT) (business centre, computer maintenance, handsets repairs, internet cafe etc), Mining/Extraction (kaolin, coal mining, metal craft such as blacksmith, tinsmith etc, vegetable oil/and salt extractions etc), Environment (fumigation, household cleaning waste disposal etc), Tourism (car hire, craft work, hotel/catering, recreation centre), Power (generator mechanic, refrigeration/air conditioning, electricity wiring etc), Production/Processing (glassware production/ceramic, metal working/fabrication, steel and aluminium door and windows, paper production water treatment/conditioning/packaging, brick laying, bakery, iron welding, building drawing, tailoring, carpentry, leather tanning, printing, food processing/packaging/preservation). Students are to select two of the following areas of interest for practical. Topics should also include Products/Service Exhibition and Quality Control, Business Ownership Structures, Mentorship.





CPE 341: Engineering Laboratory II                     (3 Units)

Laboratory investigations and report submission on selected experiments and projects drawn from introduction to Electrical Engineering, Materials Science, Applied Mechanics, Applied Computer Programming I and Workshop Technology Courses.

CPE 322: Software Engineering                 (3 Units)

Software development life cycle. Top-Down design. Program, design using pseudo-code, flowchart. Flowchart ANSI symbols and usage. Extensive examples, and exercises using pseudo-code/flowchart to solve practical problems in engineering. Debugging and documentation techniques. Programming using a structural language such as C: Symbols, keywords, identifiers, data types, operators, various statements, operator precedence, type conversion, conditional and control structures, function, recursive functions. Arrays: 1-D, and multi-dimensional arrays, passing elements or whole array to a function. Simple sorting and searching on arrays, pointers, strings, dynamic memory allocation. Structures and Unions: Structure declaration and definition, accessing structures, array of structures, pointers and structures, union declaration, enumerated variables. File Handling: Concept of a file, files and streams, standard file handling functions, binary files, random access files. Advanced Topics: Command line parameters, pointers to functions, creation of header files, stacks, linked lists, bitwise manipulation. Software development in C in MS Windows, UNIX/LINUX environments, header file, preprocessor directives, make, makefile. Static and dynamic linking libraries. Extensive examples, and exercises programming in C to solve practical problems in engineering. Exercises are to be done in the Computer Laboratory

EEE 326: Electro Magnetic fields and Waves        (3 Units)

Review of electromagnetic laws in integral form, Gauss’s Law, Ampere’s and Faraday’s Laws; Electrostatic fields due to distribution of charge, magnetic fields in and around current carrying conductors, time-varying magnetic and electric fields; conduction and displacement current; Maxwell’s equation (in rectangular co-ordinates and vector-calculus notation): Derivation of Maxwell’s equations; electromagnetic potential and waves; Poynting vector; Boundary conditions; wave propagation in good conductors, skin effect; plane waves in unbounded dielectric media, Fundamentals of transmission lines, wave-guides and antennae.

GEE 321: Engineering Mathematics IV                 (3 Units)

Series solution of second order linear differential equations with variable coefficients. Bessel and Legendre equations. Equations with variable coefficients. Sturn-Louville boundary value problems. Solutions of equations in two and three dimensions by separation of variables. Eigen value problems. Use of operations in the solution of partial differential equations and Linear integral equations. Integral transforms and their inverse including Fourier, Laplace, Mellin and Handel Transforms. Convolution integrals and Hilbert Transforms. Calculus of finite differences. Interpolation formulae. Finite difference equations. RungeKutta and other methods in the solutions of ODE and PDEs. Numerical integration and differentiation


GEE 322: Engineering Communication     (1 Unit)

Professional use of English Language for letters, specification descriptions, presentation of charts, graphs, tables, writing of proposals in reports. Case studies of major engineering designs and construction/fabrication as well industrial failures; professional presentation of reports and proposals.

GEE 323: Engineering Economics  (3 Units)

The nature and scope of economics. Basic concepts of engineering economy. Interest formulae, discounted cash flow, present worth, equivalent annual growth and rate of return comparisons. Replacement analysis. Breakdown analysis. Benefit-cost analysis. Minimum acceptable rate of return. Judging attractiveness of proposed investment.


ENT 321: Entrepreneurial Skills II             (2 Units)

The course is a continuation of ENT 311. It focuses the attention of the students on creativity, feasibility study, legal framework, governmental policies, business negotiation, etc.  Students should select two areas of interest for practical and exhibition. At the end of the semester students will undertake excursion and internship and produce report.

GEE 399: SIWES II                         (2 Units)

In Engineering education, industrial attachment is very crucial.  The students are to proceed on eight weeks Students’ Work Experience Programme (SWEP) during long vacation at the end of second semester examinations in 100 and 200 levels. At the end of 300 level second semester examinations Students Work Experience Programme (10 weeks – long vacation); Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (24 weeks, one semester plus long vacation) is for all students at 400 level.

To make the training effective, it is important that the students learn how to operate some of the ordinary machines and tools they will encounter in the industry before they go for the attachment.  Therefore they should start with Student Work Experience Programme, which is conducted in the Faculty Workshops, under strict industrial conditions.  On successful completion of Students Work Experience Programme, the Students Industrial Work Experience Schemes can be done in industries under strict industrial conditions and supervision.

Normally, industrial attachment should be graded and no student should graduate without passing all the modules of the attachment and this shall be used in degree classification



CPE 431: Computer Engineering Laboratory III (2 Units)

Laboratory investigations and report submission on selected experiments and projects drawn from introduction to Electrical Engineering, Materials Science, Applied Mechanics, Applied Computer Programming I and Workshop Technology Courses.

CPE 412: Microprocessor System and Interfacing            (3 Units)

A basic microprocessor system: the CPU, memory, I/O, and buses subsystems, basic operation of a microprocessor system: fetch and execute cycle, the architecture of some typical 8-bit, 16-bit microprocessors (INTEL, MOTOROLA) and their features. Programming model in real mode: registers, memory, addressing modes. Organization of the interrupt system, interrupt vectors, and external interrupts, implementation of single and multiple interrupts in real mode. Programming model in protected mode: registers, memory management and address translation, descriptor and page tables, system control instructions, multitasking and memory protection, addressing modes, and interrupt system. Memory interfacing and address decoding. I/O interfacing: memory mapped i/o, isolated i/o, bus timing, i/o instructions. Peripheral devices interfacing: 8255 PPI/6821 PIA, 8251 USART/6821 UART, DMA, Timer/Counter chips, etc. Instruction set. Assembly language Programming of INTEL and MOTOROLA microprocessors. Discussion of a typical system e.g. IBM PC, Apple Macintosh.

CPE 413: Computer Organization and Architecture(3 Units)

Computer Fundamentals: Development history of computer hardware and software. Hardwired vs. stored program concept. Von-Neuman architecture. Havard architecture: principle of operation, advantages, disadvantages. Single address machine. Contemporary computers. Computer system: block diagram, functions, examples, dataflow, control line. Computer Arithmetic: integer arithmetic (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division), floating-point representation (IEEE), floating-point arithmetic. arithmetic and logic unit (ALU). Introduction to CISC and RISC architecture: principle of operation, merits, demerits. Storage and Input/Output Systems: Computer function (fetch and execute cycles), interrupts, interconnection structures (Bus structure and bus types), Overview of memory system, memory chip organization and error correction, cache memory, memory storage devices. Overview of I/O, programmed and interrupt-driven I/Os, DMA, I/O channel and I/O processor. Control Unit: Micro-operations, control of the CPU, hardwired implementation, control unit operation, micro-instruction sequencing and execution, micro-programmed control. Use INTEL family, and MOTOROLA family as case study of a CISC computer system. Instruction Set and Register: Machine instruction characteristics, types of operands and operations, instruction functions, addressing modes, instruction formats, register organization, instruction pipelining. High performance computer systems: Techniques to achieve high performance, pipelining, storage hierarchy, units with function dedicated for I/O. RISC, introduction to superscalar processor, parallel processor. Use popular RISC processor (e.g. i960, Motorola PowerPC) as case study.

Operating System: Overview of operating system, dimension and type of operating system, high level scheduling, short-term scheduling, I/O scheduling, memory management, virtual memory, UNIX/LINUX operating system: architecture, commands, programming; window based operating systems (MS windows,).

CPE 414: Assembly language Programming(3 Units)

Introduction: Language level of abstraction and effect on machine, characteristics of machine code, advantages, justifications of machine code programming, instruction set and dependency on underlying processor. Intel 8086 microprocessor assembly language programming: Programming model as resources available to programmer, addressing modes, instruction format, instruction set- arithmetic, logical, string, branching, program control, machine control, input/output , etc; assembler directives, hand-assembling, additional 80x86/Pentium instructions. Modular programming. Interrupt and service routine. Interfacing of assembly language to C . Intel 80x87 floating point programming. Introduction to MMX and SSE programming. Motorola 680x0 assembly language programming. Extensive practical engineering problems solving in assembly language using MASM for Intel, and cross-assembler for Motorola.

CPE 415: Software Engineering II (3 Units)

Introduction to software engineering fundamentals. Object oriented programming. Number representations. Data structure and algorithms, Abstraction, modules and objects. Designing for efficiency. Object oriented software design, implementation and testing. Team software specification and management. Cross-platform tools and GUI development. Advanced software algorithms and architecture. Software engineering practice and methods.

CPE 416: Parallel and Distributed Computing      (2 Units)

This course covers general introductory concepts in the design and implementation of parallel and distributed systems, covering all the major branches such as Cloud Computing, Grid Computing, Cluster Computing, Supercomputing, IoT and Many-core Computing. The specific topics that this course will cover are:  asynchronous/synchronous computation/communication, concurrency control, fault tolerance, GPU architecture and programming, heterogeneity, interconnection topologies, load balancing, memory consistency model, memory hierarchies, Message passing interface (MPI), MIMD/SIMD, multithreaded programming, parallel algorithms & architectures, parallel I/O, performance analysis and tuning, power, programming models (data parallel, task parallel, process-centric, shared/distributed memory), scalability and performance studies, scheduling, storage systems, and synchronization.

Internet in general and Internet of Things: layers, protocols, packets, services, performance parameters of a packet network as well as applications such as web, Peer-to-peer, sensor networks, and multimedia.Transport services: TCP, UDP, socket programming. Network layer: forwarding & routing algorithms (Link, DV), IP-addresses, DNS, NAT, and routers. Local Area Networks, MAC level, link protocols such as: point-to-point protocols, Ethernet, WiFi 802.11, cellular Internet access, and Machine-to-machine. Mobile Networking: roaming and handoffs, mobile IP, and ad hoc and infrastructure less networks. Real-time networking: soft and real time, quality of service/information, resource reservation and scheduling, and performance measurements.


CPE 417: Prototyping Techniques  (2 Units)

Introduction: Grounding, ground plane, digital ground, analogue ground, power decoupling, inductance and capacitive effects, feedthrough capacitors. Soldering techniques for pass-through and surface mount components, desoldering. Breadboarding, veroboarding. Wire wrapping techniques. Radio Frequency design and implementation techniques. Printed Circuit Board techniques, and production of PCB. Use of PCB CAD packages. Construction exercises using different prototyping techniques.


CPE 418: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence.   (2 Units)

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Engineering applications of artificial intelligence (AI): Problem-solving techniques, knowledge acquisition, knowledge representation, production systems, expert systems, AI languages, neural networks, and machine learning.

EEE 411: Control engineering I                  (3 Units)

Introduction: definition, examples of control systems. Open-loop and closed-loop control systems. Review of Laplace and inverse Laplace transforms. System modelling: Signal flow graph, block diagram. Transfer function. Poles and zeros. Block diagram reduction using signal flow graph and block diagram reduction techniques. Mechanical, electrical and electromechanical systems. First and second order models, higher order models. Definitions of transient response parameters. Analysis of second-order system as prototype. Routh-Hurwitz stability criterion. Classification of systems based on steady-state characteristics, steady-state error coefficient. Definition of Root locus, Properties of root locus, sketching of root locus plots. Effect of open-loop zeros and poles. Root locus design concepts. Frequency response analysis and design: Bode diagram, Polar plot, Nichols plot. Nyquist stability criterion: non-mathematical description of Nyquist criterion, interpretation of stability. Relative stability - Gain and phase margins. Closed-loop frequency response analysis - M and N contours, Nichols chart. Compensation techniques: lag, lead and lag-lead compensation, PD, PI and PID controllers. Cascade compensation based on root-locus method. Introduction to Feedback compensation. Computer-aided design and analysis of control system.


ENT 411: Entrepreneurship Development I                      (1 Unit)

This course further exposes the students to the entrepreneurial process of writing feasibility studies and business plans.  The students are required to form cooperative societies in order to collaboratively generate business ideas and funds. Topics should include models of wealth creation, sustainability strategies, financial/ investment intelligence and international business.  Students are to select one area of interest for practical and exhibition. The programme involves Recognition, Reward and Awards (RRAs) and Mentorship.






CPE 499: Students Industrial Work Experience III          (6 Units: 24 weeks)

On the job experience in industry chosen for practical working experience but not necessarily limited to the student’s major (24 weeks from the end of the First Semester at 400-Level to the beginning of the First Semester of the following session. Thus, the second semester at 400-Level is spent in industry.)


CPE 512: Embedded System Design           (3 Units)

Introduction to embedded system, components, characteristics, applications. Intel 8051/8031 Micro-controller: Features of the 8051/8031 family, block diagram and definitions of the pin of the 8051, I/O port structure, memory organization: general purpose RAM, bit addressable RAM, register bank, special function registers, external memory, memory space mapping and decoding, bus control signals timing, a typical 8051 micro-controller based system. Instruction Set and Assembly Language Programming: Addressing modes, the 8051 instruction set and typical examples, assembler operation, assembly language format, assembler directives, operation of assemblers and linkers, programming examples. On-chip Peripheral Devices: I/O ports, operations and uses of port 0, port 1, port 2, port 3, timers: their operations, programming, and applications, serial port: operations and programming, typical applications, serial port interrupt. Interfacing to external memory, keypad, seven-segment LED display, ADC and DAC chips, and input / output port expansion, description and uses of hardware development tools. MOTOROLA M6811 Micro-controller: Features of the M6811 family, block diagram and definitions of the pin of the M6811, I/O port structure, memory organization: general purpose RAM, bit addressable RAM, register bank, special function registers, external memory, memory space mapping and decoding, bus control signals timing. Instruction Set and Assembly Language Programming. On-chip peripheral devices and I/O interfacing. Introduction to PIC microcontroller: general architecture, applications and selection of microcontroller, advantages, low-end, and high performance PIC. Specific PIC microcontrollers: Features, architecture, block diagram, pin configuration, on-chip memory, and peripheral. Instruction set and Assembly language programming. Serial I/O interfacing: I2C, and SPI interfacing and programming. Memory interfacing: external memory interfacing, EEPROM and Flash memory interfacing. Design exercises using development system.

CPE 513: Cyberpreneurship and Cyberlaw          (2 Units)

Introduction: Definition of creativity, innovation, examples of creativity leading to innovation, commercialization of creative and innovative ideas. Trends in technology development. Entrepreneurship management and ownership. Characteristics of entrepreneur, starting a new business, business planning, strategic planning & management, site selection and layout. Establishing new venture, risk management. Business Plan Development: definition, need, preparation of business plan. Forecasting developments and charting an action plan. Identifying the product/service, market research and feasibility study. Financing business. Sources of debt financing. Creating the marketing plan, pricing, creative advertising and promotion. Entrepreneurship case studies: Overview and analysis of successful entrepreneurs such as Bill Gates, Michael Dell, David Filo and Jerry Yang of Yahoo, etc. Nigerian Entrepreneurship: Discussion of Nigerian business environment, and illustrated with successful Nigerian entrepreneurs. Overview of the Nigerian Legal System: Civil and criminal. Basic concepts of law. Contract Law. . Current issues: digital signatures, Intellectual property and copyright. Speech Law: Defamation, Sedition, Printing Press Act. Speech on the Internet. Advertising Code: Made in Nigeria rules and guidelines, Advertising Standards. Media and Licensing law in Nigeria: Developing an in-depth understanding of the nature and function of Nigerian media law. Public and Private licensing. Intellectual and moral rights. Music royalties, synchronization rights, performance rights. Role of music publishers. Broadcast rights, merchandising. Detailed analysis of Communications and Multimedia Act. Ethic and Etiquette: New codes of social behaviour: the right to privacy.

CPE 514: Computer Security and Techniques I    (3 Units)

Introduction: Overview of computer security, attacks and services, control of hardware software. Usage. Intruders, Viruses and Worms: Intrusion techniques. Nontechnical attacks. Password protection and its vulnerability. Intrusion detection. Nature of viruses. Malicious programs. Types of viruses. Antivirus approaches. Worm propagation and countermeasures: access control, intrusion detection and firewalls. Disaster Recovery: Recovery requirements, policy, strategy, technical team. Execution of recovery plans. Documentation and backup system. Loss estimation. Developing Secure Computer System: External Security Measures, Issue, Security Models [Specification and Verification, Bell and LaPadulla Model, Clark-Wilson Model, Goguen-Meseguer, TCPEC], Discretionary Access Requirements, Mandatory Access Requirements, User Authentication, Access and Information Flow Control, Auditing and Intrusion Detection, Damage Control and Assessment, Microcomputer Security. Entropy, perfect secrecy, unicity distance, complexity theory, NP completeness, number theory. Cryptographic System, Public Key Systems, digital signatures. Network and Telecommunication Security: Fundamentals, Issue, Objective and Threats, Security Services, Distributed System Security, The Trusted Network Interpretation, TNI Security Services, AIS Interconnection Issues, Firewalls [Gateways, Application, Cost and Effectiveness .Database Security: Security Requirements to Databases, Designing the Security, Methods of Protection, Security of Multilevel Database

CPE 515: Reliability and Maintainability   (3 Units)

Introduction to reliability, maintainability, reliability specification and metrics. Application to computer hardware system, communication equipment, power systems, electronic components. Basic maintenance types, and procedures of computer and digital communication system. Fault troubleshooting techniques. QoS and time of availability of data communication. Quality control techniques. Design for higher reliability, fault tolerance. Software Reliability: software reliability specification, software reliability Metrics, fault avoidance, fault tolerance, programming for reliability, software safety and hazard analysis. Comparison of hardware and software reliability. Software Quality and Assurance: definition of software quality, software quality factors, quality control, cost of quality, quality assurance. SQA activities, formal technical reviews, software quality metrics, statistical quality assurance. ISO 9000 Requirements and Certification, ISO 9000-3 for software quality process, process documentation, quality audit. Capability Maturity Model: Software Engineering Institute, levels of maturity, key process areas, Comparison between ISO 9000 Standards and CMM. Ensuring Quality and Reliability: verification and validation, measurement tracking and feedback mechanism, total quality management, risk management.

GEE 513: Engineering Management, Cost and Evaluation         (3 Units)

  • Engineering Management

Principles of organization; element of organization, management by objectives. Financial management, accounting methods, financial statements, cost planning and control, budget and budgetary control. Depreciation accounting and valuation of assets. Personnel management selection recruitment and training job evaluation and merit rating. Industrial psychology. Resources management contracts interest formulae, rate of return. Methods of economic evaluation. Planning decision making; forecasting, scheduling. Production control, Gantt Chart, CPM and PERT. Optimization, linear programming as an aid to decision making transport and materials handling. Raw materials and equipment. Facility layout and location. Basic principles of work study. Principles of motion economy. Ergonomics in the design of equipment and process.

  • Engineering Costing

Cost and schedule management- an engineering function. Supporting skills and knowledge. Role of cost engineer during evaluation phase. Role of cost engineer during the basic design phase. Role of cost engineer in contractor selection. Role of cost engineer during detailed engineering design phase. Role of cost engineer during construction. Cost engineering function as distinct from design engineering function. Canon of ethics for cost engineers. Basic capital cost estimating. Basic operating cost estimating. Basic project planning and scheduling. Cost engineering terminology, Cost engineering standards.

  • Engineering Evaluation/Appraisal

Objectives of valuation work/ valuer’s primary duty and responsibility. Valuer’s obligation to his or her client, to other valuers, and to the society. Valuation methods and practices. Valuation reports. Expert witnessing. Ethics in valuation. Valuation/ Appraisal standards. Price, cost and value. Depreciation and obsolescence. Valuation terminology. Appraisal reporting and review. Real property valuation. Personal property valuation. Machinery and equipment valuation. Oil and gas valuation. Mines and quarries valuation.


CPE 522: Computer Graphics and Animations

Overview of 3D animation and its application and types. Coordinate system, vertex, faces and object. Concept of wireframe, surface and solid modelling. Construction planes and differences between object space and world space. Principles of making characters alive. Polygonal Modelling techniques: the Box, using Edit Mesh, Smoothing Techniques, Subdivision Surfaces. Nurbs Modelling techniques: Utilizing NURBS toolbox, surface points and CVs. Importing and attaching NURBS surfaces, rebuilding surfaces, curve and surface approximation. Graphic animation process: Camera & Animation Camera, Set & Background (Image Plane), Light Linking. Animation Techniques: Walk Cycle and Facial Expression using Blend Shape. Dynamics animation: Rigid Bodies, Soft Bodies, constraint, Particles. Tips and tricks on rendering. Concept of Rendering in 3D modelling. Render options and file output.

CPE 523: Artificial Neural Networks

Neural Network: Definition of artificial neural network. Similarities of neural network with human brain. Classification of ANN. Terminologies: input/output sets, weights, bias or threshold, supervised learning, network training, Convergence process, single layer vs. multilayer perception, Forward and Backward propagation, and gradient descent rule. Back-propagation neural network, Variable term used in back propagation neural network: learning rate, momentum, hidden nodes, sigmoid activation function. Back propagation algorithm of ANN. Design of ANN model, training sets for ANN, test sets for ANN, network testing and performance. Engineering applications. ANN programming.

EEE 527: Digital Signal Processing

Introduction: definition, problems, and applications of digital image processing. Digital image acquisition devices. Digital image formats. Edge detection techniques, segmentation methods. Image Morphology. Image enhancement. Image restoration techniques. Morphology. Fourier transform and Wavelet transform in image processing. Image registration techniques. Shape analysis. Image understanding. Artificial neural network and image understanding. Colour representation standards, equations, processing, quantization, and dithering. Case study: practical application of image processing to face recognition, fingerprint, iris, etc. Introduction to image compression techniques

EEE 547: Digital System Design with VHDL

Finite State Machine: definition, mealy and Moore models, state diagram, state table, transition table. Sequential circuits design using flip-flops, asynchronous, and synchronous circuit design. Algorithm State Machine. Design examples and exercises. Structured Design: Design constructs, Design Levels, Geometry-based interchange formats, Computer aided electronic system design tools, Schematic circuit capture, Hardware description languages, Design process (simulation, synthesis), Structural design decomposition. Introduction to VHDL: VHDL language abstractions, Design hierarchies, VHDL component, Lexical description, VHDL source file, Data types, Data objects, Language statements, Concurrent VHDL, Sequential VHDL, Advanced features of VHDL (library, package and subprograms). Structural level modelling, Register-Transfer level modelling, FSM with data path level modelling, Algorithmic level modelling. Introduction of ASIC, Types of ASIC, ASIC design process, Standard cell ASIC synthesis, FPGA Design Paradigm, FPGA synthesis, FPGA/CPLD Architectures. VHDL Design: Top-down design flow, Verification, simulation alternatives, simulation speed, Formal verification, Recommendations for verification, Writing RTL VHDL code for synthesis, top-down design with FPGA. VHDL synthesis, optimization and mapping, constraints, technology library, delay calculation, synthesis tool, synthesis directives. Computer-aided design of logic circuits.

GEE 523: Engineering Law

Common Law: Its history, definition, nature and division. Legislation codification interpretation. Equity: Definition and its main spheres. Law of contracts for Engineers: offer, acceptance, communication termination. General principles of criminal law. Law of torts: definition, classification and liabilities. Patents: requirements, application, and infringement. Registered designs: application, requirements, types and infringement. Company law. Labour law and Industrial Law


ENT 421: Entrepreneurship Development II                     (1 Unit)

This course, which is a continuation of ENT 411, further exposes the students to the entrepreneurial process of strategic management.  Topics include business financing, venture capital, managing business growth, negotiation, time and self-management, leadership, ICT and succession plan, defence of feasibility study and business plans.


CPE 516:  Cryptography principles and Applications

History of cryptographic System, Public Key Systems, Digital Signatures. Information Theory: Entropy, Perfect Secrecy, Unicity Distance, Complexity Theory, NP Completeness, Number Theory. Data Encryption Methods : Transposition Ciphers, Substitution Ciphers, Product Ciphers, Exponentiation Ciphers, Knapsack Ciphers, Breakable NP-Complete Knapsack, Encryption Standards DES, RSA, Elliptic Curves. Cryptographic Techniques: Block and Stream Ciphers, Autokey, Endpoints of Encryption, One-way Ciphers, Password and Authentication, Secret Keys and Public Keys, Threshold Scheme. Video scrambling techniques. Digital video encryption techniques: principle, IRDETO, Viaaccess, Videoguard, etc. Security and Legality Issues: Copyrights, Patents, Trade Secret, Ownership of Products, Computer Crimes, Ethical Issue in Computer Security.

EEE 511: Control Engineering II

State space description of linear systems, concepts of controllability and observability;  state feedback, modal control observers, realization of systems having specified transfer function, applications to circuit synthesis and signal processing. Use of MATLAB should be emphasised.

EEE514: Design and Installation of Electrical and ICT Services (2 Units)

Electrical Installation: Induction to Health and safety at work act in Nigeria. Electrical safety. First aid. Electricity supply regulations. Lighting and Illumination: Luminous intensity and flux. Maintenance factor. Coefficient of utilization. Types of light sources. Calculation of lighting requirements. Glare. Stroboscopic effect. Installation Materials, cables, junction box, terminations, joints. Conduits and conduiting. Truck and trucking. Electrical Installation design in domestic, commercial and industry. Alarm and emergency systems. Earthling and Protection. Purposes of earthing. Faraday cage. Rod electrodes. Earth electrode resistance. Earthing system. Earth fault loop impedance. ICT services: NCC and FCC codes of practice and standards. Telecommunication design and installation: Satellite, VSAT, etc. Telephone design and installation. Computer networking design and installation. Wireless LAN design and installation. Preparation of Bill of Engineering Measurement Evaluation. Contract bidding. Consultancy.

CPE 524:Digital Image Processing

Introduction: definition, problems, and applications of digital image processing. Digital image acquisition devices. Digital image formats. Edge detection techniques, segmentation methods. Image Morphology. Image enhancement. Image restoration techniques. Morphology. Fourier transform and Wavelet transform in image processing. Image registration techniques. Shape analysis. Image understanding. Artificial neural network and image understanding. Colour representation standards, equations, processing, quantization, and dithering. Case study: practical application of image processing to face recognition, fingerprint, iris, etc. Introduction to image compression techniques.



CPE 525:Fuzzy Logic Programming

Introduction: fuzzy set theory, knowledge base problem, objective and subjective knowledge, crisp sets, fuzzy sets, linguistic variables, membership functions. Set theoretic operations, comparison between crisp sets and fuzzy sets. Law of Contradiction and Law of Excluded Middle, fuzzy intersection, union and complement, and other fuzzy operators. Fuzzy relations and compositions on the same and different product spaces. Max-Min composition, Max-Product composition, fuzzy relational matrix, sup-star composition. Hedges or modifiers of linguistic variables, fuzzy logic vs. probability. Fuzzy reasoning and implication, the fuzzy truth tables, traditional propositional logic and the rule of inference, the Modus Ponens and Modus Tollens, fuzzy modelling with causal IF-THEN statements. Fuzzy Models, fuzzy logic systems, combination of fuzzy basis functions, universal approximator, fuzzy neural network, fuzzy associate memory matrix, self-learning fuzzy systems. Fuzzy logic system applications. Fuzzy programming.

CPE 526:Robotic and Animation

Robot classification and manipulation. Technology and history of development of robots. Applications. Direct and inverse kinematics: arm equation. Workspace analysis and trajectory planning. Differential motion and statics. Manipulator dynamics. End-of arm tooling. Automation sensors. Robot vision. Work-cell support systems. Robot and system integration. Safety. Human interface. Robot control system. Circuit and system configuration. Task oriented control. Robot control programming. Fuzzy logic and AI based robot control. Fundamentals of automation. Strategies and economic consideration. Integration of systems. Impact to the production factory. Evaluation of conventional processes. Analysis of automated flow lines. Assembly systems and line balancing. Automated assembly systems. Numerical control and adaptive control. Robot applications. Automated materials handling and storage systems. Automation in inspection and testing. Linear feedback control system. Optimal control. Computer process control. Computer integrated manufacturing systems. Future automated factory.


CPE 527:  Computer Security Techniques II

History of cryptographic System, Public Key Systems, Digital Signature. Information Theory: Entropy, Perfect Secrecy, Unicity Distance, Complexity Theory, NP Completeness, Number Theory. Data Encryption Method Ciphers, Knaspsack Ciphers, Breakable NP-Complete Knapsack, Encryption Standards DES, RSA, Elliptic Curves. Cryptographic Techniques: Block and Stream Ciphers, Autokey, Endpoints of Encryption, One-Way Ciphers, Password and Authentication, Secret Keys and Public Keys, Threshold Scheme. Video


CPE 528:  Wireless Sensor Networks

Sensor technology and WSN applications review, Wireless  technology for distributed sensor networks, Clustering techniques in WSN, Routing in WSN, Security principles and protocols for WSN, Networked embedded systems: from chip to system design, Network support and management. Overview of radio standards and protocols for wireless personal area networks: Bluetooth, IEEE 802.15.4, Zigbee. Inter-working between wireless personal area networks and wireless local area networks and cellular networks. Systems and platforms, Sensors, Body sensor networks, Operation system for wireless sensor nodes, Applications and services, Programming assignments

Basic Admission Requirements and Expected Duration of The Programmes

The basic admission requirements for the Departments in the Faculty of Engineering shall include:

Admission Requirements for UTME

The minimum admission requirement for Engineering disciplines are passes at credit level in the Senior Secondary School final year examination or GCE ‘O’ Level in five subjects including Mathematics, English Language, Physics and Chemistry.  Candidates are also required to have acceptable pass in the UTME. 

Admission Requirements for Direct Entry

For Direct Entry, candidates must have passes in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry at GCE ‘A’ level or equivalent.  Holders of OND and HND at minimum of upper credit level are eligible for consideration for admission into 200 and 300 levels respectively.

Minimum Duration

The minimum duration for any programme in the Faculty of Engineering is five academic sessions for candidates who enter through the UTME.  Candidates who enter through the Direct Entry will spend a minimum of four academic sessions provided that they satisfy all the other University requirements.