Momoh Solomon

Momoh in EDSU

Staff Name: Mr Momoh Solomon

Phone: 08063774852


Staff Website:Staff has no personal website yet

Department: Works

Position: Driver


My Abridge Profile

Mr. Momoh Victor Solomon is a Driver 11 in the Works Department of Edo University Iyamho, Edo state Nigeria.  He is currently working in the office of the University librarian of the school as a Driver to The Librarian. 

He had his Primary School Certificate and also Trade test Certificate of Competence from the Ministry of Labour and Productivity.

Mr. Momoh is a skilled Driver and vest Experience in Driving.  He has gained valuable experience at different companies before joining this great Institution.

His experience in Driving has helped him to be part of value adding process, in achieving the objective of any organization through efficiency and competence for driving.




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