Egbefo Omolumen Dawood

Egbefo in EDSU

Staff Name: Prof Egbefo Omolumen Dawood

Phone: 08109492681


Staff Website:Staff has no personal website yet

Faculty: Faculty of Arts

Department: History and International Studies

Position: Professor


My Abridge Profile


Name:                                                  EGBEFO Omolumen Dawood

Present Status:                                      Associate Professor

Date of Birth:                                       25th March, 1967

Place of Birth:                                      Benin City

State of Origin                                     Edo State

L.G.A                                                  Esan North East

Nationality:                                          Nigerian

Sex:                                                     Male

Marital Status:                                      Married

Number and Age of Children:             5 (20, 17, 15, 13, and 1/3 years)

Contact Address:                                 Department of History and International  

                                                            Studies, Faculty of Arts, Managements and    

                                                            Social Sciences, Edo University Iyamho,

                                                            Edo State.

Permanent Home Address:                  No. 1 Oko-Oniha Street, Idumu Oniha Quarters Esan 

                                                            North East Local Government Area, Uromi Edo State, 

Phone number:                                    08109492681, 08076709828

Email Address:                          

Areas(s) of Research Interest:                  Social History; Intra-inter group integration, nation building

                                                            and development

Date of first Appointment:                   August, 2006

Date of Last Promotion:                       August, 2014 

  1. SCHOOLS ATTENDED QUALIFICATIONS DATES                                 DATE     

University of Ilorin                  Ph.D History and International Relations      2013                           

University of Ilorin                  M.A. History                                                 2004

University of Ilorin                  B.A. History                                                  2001

University of Ibadan                Diploma, Library and Information Studies   1997

Cosmopolitan Commercial

College, Benin City                  O/Level GCE                                                 1985

Esigie Primary School,

Benin City                                FSLC                                                             1980


1- 2014/2015: The Most Friendly Lecturer Award, Student Historical Society of Nigeria, IBB University Lapai, Niger State, Nigeria.


2- 2013/2014: The Most Understanding Lecturer on Campus, Student Union Government, IBB University Lapai, Niger State, Nigeria.


3- 2013/2014: The Best Patron Ever, Student Historical Society of Nigeria, IBB University Lapai, Niger State, Nigeria.


4- 2008 – 2013: Ph.D Research Grants Education Trust Fund, Academic Staff Training and Development AST & D, National University Commission Abuja.


5-   2003: Postgraduate Scholarship Grant, Federal Ministry of Education, Abuja.


6- 2003: M.A. Thesis Grant, Centre for Research and Documentation (CRD) 29A Sokoto Road, GRA Kano, Nigeria.


7- 2003: Best Seminar paper presentation Award, Post-Graduate Students Association, Faculty of Arts, University of Ilorin, Nigeria.


8-   2001: Undergraduate Scholarship Grant, Esan Development Union, Ilorin Branch.


9- 2001: Merit Award (with cash) for the Advancement of Esan-Benin Students in Ilorin, Offa and Ogbomoso by Esan Student Union, University of Ilorin Chapter


             10- 2001: Certificate of Service, Student Historical Society, University of Ilorin Chapter.


11- 2001: Best Pressmanship Certificate, by Students Historical Society, University of Ilorin Nigeria.


12- 1999 – 2001: Best Undergraduate Students Award, (4.47) Department of History and Faculty of Arts, University of Ilorin, Nigeria.


13- 2000: B.A. Undergraduate Project Writing, Federal Ministry of Education, Abuja.



Ibrahim Babangida University, Lapai  -    2014 – 2017

Job Scope                                                 -    Teaching and Research

Position:                                                        -     Senior Lecturer


Ibrahim Babangida University, Lapai  -    2011 – 2014

Job Scope                                                  -    Teaching and Research

Position:                                                          -     Lecturer 1


Ibrahim Babangida University, Lapai  -    2009 – 2011

Job Scope                                                 -   Teaching and Research

Position:                                                         -    Lecturer 11


Ibrahim Babangida University, Lapai  -     2006 – 2009

Job Scope                                                 -     Teaching and Research

Position:                                                         -     Assistant Lecturer


College of Education, Kano                 -     2004 – 2006

Job Scope                                                  -     Teaching

Position:                                                          -     Tutor


Undergraduate  Level


HIS 101:      Intro. to the Study of History and International Studies

HIS 102:     Introduction to Historical Writing and Methodology


GST 103:    Philosophy, Logic and Human Existence

HIS 103:     The Prehistory of Central Nigeria Area from the Earliest time to the Stone  


HIS 104:    Prehistory of Central Nigeria Area up to the Iron Age.


HIS 105:    Introduction to Archaeology

HIS 110:    Africa and Europe 1600-1800


HIS 201: Early Nigeria History, 1000-1500AD

GST 201: Nigeria Peoples and Culture


HIS 202:  Early Nigeria History, c1500-1800AD

HIS 203:  Africa in the 19th Century

HIS 210:   History of China to 1979

HIS 212:  South-East Asia since the Nineteenth Century

HIS 213:   Economic Hist. of Nigeria in the 19th Century


GST 302: Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution

HIS 306:  Africa since 1960

HIS 309:  World History since 1945


HIS 401:  Nigerian History 1900-1960

HIS 403:   Trade and Politics in the Middle-Niger Area and Benue Valleys in the 19th Century

HIS 404:   Trade and Politics in the Middle Niger and Benue Valleys in the 19th Century II


HIS 405:  History of Science and Technology and the Industrial Revolution

HIS 407:  The Peoples of the Niger-Delta Area and their Neighbours since 1640

HIS: 408: Modern African Political Thought

HIS 409:  The Atlantic Slave Trade 1650-1850

HIS 410:  International Relations and Diplomacy

HIS 414:  Seminar in History and International Studies



1- Egbefo O.D., Head of Department, History and International Studies, IBB University, Lapai Niger State, Nigeria. 2015/2016 Academic Session.

2- Egbefo O.D., Member, 2015/2016 IBB University Lapai, Promotion Committee at the Faculty Level. 24-27 August, 2015.

3-   Egbefo O.D., Editor, Lapai Journal of Central Nigerian History, Volume 8, No.1. 2014

4- Egbefo O.D., Participant at the Symposium on “Ukrainian Crisis”, Department of History and International Studies, IBB University, Lapai, 2014.

5- Egbefo O.D., Participant at the Symposium on “The Role of Nelson Mandela in South Africa”, Department of History and International Studies, IBB University, Lapai, 2014.

6- Egbefo O.D., Participant at the Symposium on “How Rich is Nigeria”, Department of History and International Studies, IBB University, Lapai, 2014.

7- LOC 2014, Archaeological Association of Nigeria, Theme: The Journey So Far, Department of History and International Studies, IBB University, Lapai Niger State, Nigeria 2014.

8- LOC 2014, “Nigeria Since the 1914 Amalgamation” organized by the Department of Political Science and Department of History and International Studies, IBB University, Lapai, Niger State Nigeria held on 4th-7th May, 2014 at Twin Lecture Theatre ‘A’.


9- 2013/2014: Assistant Field School Coordinator Department of History and International Studies Field School to Turunku, Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria.

10- 2013 to date: Member, Faculty of Education and Arts Library Committee, Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University Lapai.

11- 2013 to date: Secretary, Faculty of Education and Arts Welfare Committee, Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai

12- LOC 2012, 3rd International Conference of the Collaboration of Education Faculties in West Africa (CEFWA). Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai, Niger State, Nigeria. (September 27, 2012).

13- LOC 2011, 1st International Conference of the Faculty of Education and Arts, Theme: Issues and Challenges in University Education in the Age of Globalization, Ibrahim Badamasi Bagangida University, Lapai, Niger State from 5th – 8th December, 2011.


14- 2011 to 2012: Examination Officer, Department of History and Archaeology, IBB University, Lapai, Niger State, Nigeria.

15- 2011/2012, 2012/2013 and 2013/2014, Secretary, Faculty of Education and Arts Orientation Committee Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University Lapai.

16- 2010 to Date: Chairman, Maintenance Committee Accreditation Exercise, Faculty of Education and Arts IBB University, Lapai Niger State, Nigeria.


17- 2010/2011: Assistant Field School Coordinator Department of History and Archaeology Field School to NOK, Jos, Nigeria.

18- 2007-2011: Departmental Examination Officer, Department of History and Archaeology, IBB University, Lapai, Niger State, Nigeria.


19- 2006 to date: 100 level Student Adviser and Registration Officer, Department of History and International Studies, IBB University, Lapai, Niger State, Nigeria.


Conferences Attended

  1. Egbefo, O.D,(July 2016), “Failure of Democracy in Africa: Nigerian Experience as Major Factor to issues of Displaced Persons Since 1999”; Being a paper presented at the National Conference, organized by the Department of Political Science, IBB University, Lapai, Niger State, Nigeria. Theme: The Phenomenon of Internally Displaced Persons in Nigeria. Monday and Tuesday 25-26 July, 2016.


  1. Egbefo, O.D, (May 2016), “President Muhammadu Buhari’s Administration: Challenges of the Power Sector”. Being a paper presented at a Public Discussion, themed one year of President Buhari’s Administration, organized by the Department of Political Science, IBB University, Lapai, Niger State, Nigeria.


  1. Egbefo, O.D and Bako Y.M. (March 2016) “The Socio-Political and Economic Consequences of Corruption on Nigeria Quest for Development and National Integration”. Being a paper presented at Department of History and International Studies Seminar Series, Vol. 3, 24th of March 2016. Venue: Lecture Twin Theater A, IBB University, Lapai, Niger State.


  1. Egbefo, O.D, (January, 2015), “Democracy and Governance in 21st Century Nigeria: Challenges and Prospects”, Being a Paper Presented at the International Conference. Theme: Democracy, Dictatorship and Development in Africa. Organized by The Department of History and International Studies IBB University, Lapai 2nd – 5th August, 2015, Twin Lecture Theartre, Permanent Site IBBUL.


  1. Egbefo, O.D, (January, 2015), “Democracy, Rule of Law and Good Governance: Options for Internal Security and Economic Development in Nigeria”. Being a Paper Presented at the National Conference, Theme: Challenges and Prospects Conference, Department of History and International Studies, IBB University, Lapai, Niger State. 26th – 28th January, 2015


  1. Egbefo, O.D, (June, 2015), “Quality and Quantitative Entrepreneurship Education, The Missing Link in Sustainable Development in Nigeria 21st Century”. A Paper Presented at the International Conference Organized by the Postgraduate School. Themed: International Conference on Sustainable Development in Africa in the 21st Century, (ICSD) Ladoke Akintola University of Technology Senate Chamber, 4th – 6th June Ogbomosho Nigeria.


  1. Egbefo, O.D, (July, 2015), “The National Conference and the 2015 General Election and its Implication to Nigeria Quest of National Integration”, A Paper Presented at the National Conference, Themed: National Reforms and Constitutional Conferences in Nigeria Organized by the Department of Political Science and Department of History and International Studies, IBB University Lapai, Niger State Nigeria. 1st – 4th July, 2015.


  1. Egbefo, O.D, (September, 2014), “Amalgamation and the Problems of Nigeria: The Way Forward”. Being a Paper Presented at the Historical Society of Nigeria, Department of History and International Studies, University of Nigeria, Nsukka “58th/59th Annual Conference on 100years After the Amalgamation”.


  1. Egbefo, O.D, (August, 2014), “Entrepreneurship Education for youths Empowerment and a Violence Free Society in Nigeria”. Being a Paper Presented at the Institute of Education, Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria. 2014 Annual Conference, Theme: Educational Research for National Development.
  2. Egbefo, O.D, (May, 2014), “Amalgamation and Primordial factors affecting National Integration in Nigeria”. Being a Paper Presented at the National Conference, Department of Political Science and Department of History and International Studies, IBB University. Theme: “Nigeria since the 1914 Amalgamation”.


  1. Egbefo, O.D, (April, 2014), “15 years Crisis of Democratization in Nigeria 1999-2015: Challenges before Muhammad Buhari the President Elect. Being a Paper discussed in the Department of History and International Studies, IBBU Lapai, Niger State in a Public discussion. Theme: “Muhammad Buhari and 2015 General Election challenges and Prospects”.


  1. Egbefo, O.D, (April, 2014), “Implementation of Entrepreneurship Education in Nigeria High Institutions: obstacles and Way Forward”. Being a Paper Presented at the 3rd National Conference, Faculty of Education and arts, IBB University, Theme: Issues and Trends in Nigerian Education: A Centenary Approach (1914-2014).


  1. Egbefo, O.D, (May, 2014), “Question of National Integration and Nation Building since 1914 Nigeria: Need to address Primordial Structures”. Being a Paper Presented at National Conference, Nigeria since 1914 Amalgamation, Organized by the Department of Political Science and Department of History and International Studies IBB University, Lapai, Niger State Nigeria. 4-7th May, 2014.


  1. Egbefo, O.D, (August, 2014) “The Impact of British Colonial Rule on Benin-Esan Intergroup Relations, Edo State, Nigeria 1901-1955”. Being a paper Presented at the 2nd International History Conference on African Indigenous Political System. Nasarawa State University, Keffi,


  1. Egbefo, O.D, (September, 2014) “Education: The Main Instrument of Intergroup Relations and National Development in Contemporary Nigeria” Being a Paper Presented at the Collaboration of Education Faculties in West Africa (CEFWA) International Conference 8th-12th September, Osun State University, Osogbo, Nigeria.


  1. Egbefo, O.D, (March, 2013) “Ethnicity, Economic Injustice and Problems of Corruption: Correlates in Explaining Internal Security Crisis in Nigeria”, Being a Paper Presented at the

7th Annual Conference of the Society for peace, Security and national Development (PSND), Kwara Hotels, Ilorin, Kwara State 23-25th March, 2013.


  1. Egbefo, O.D, (May, 2013), “Accountability and Good Governance at the Grassroots Level in Nigeria: Option for Rural Poverty Alleviation”. Being a Paper Presented at the 1st Northern Nigeria Writers Summit, Minna, Niger State, Nigeria.


  1. Egbefo, O.D, (November, 2012) Entrepreneurship Education/Skills in Tertiary Institution as a Tool for Poverty Reduction in Nigeria. A Paper presented at international Conference of the Nigerian Academy of Education (NAE) 27th Annual Congress on Entrepreneurial Education 5th – 8th November, 2012. Minna, Niger State.


  1. Egbefo, O.D., (September, 2012), The Current Global Economic Crisis: Implication for Best Teacher Practices for University Graduate Capacity Building in Nigeria. A paper presented at International Conference of Collaboration of Education Faculty in West Africa (CEFWA), 24th


– 28th IBBUL.


  1. Egbefo, O.D. (June, 2011) Citizenship Rights and Ethnic Contestation in central Nigeria: “The Tiv Struggle for Indigeneship and the Settle Question in Independent Nigeria”. Paper Presented at the 12th Faculty of Education and Arts Seminar Series IBB University, Lapai Lecture Hall, Kobo Campus.


  1. Egbefo, O.D., (March, 2010) Ethnicity and Democratic Principles: A test of Good Governance in Nigeria”. Paper Presented at the 4th Annual Conference of the Society for Peace Studies and Practice, Hydro Hotel, Minna, Niger State.


  1. Egbefo, O.D., (February, 2010) “An Appraisal of University Education and the Challenges of Development in the Age of Globalization” Paper Presented at 1st International Conference of Faculties of Education in West Africa (CEFWA), University of Ilorin, Nigeria.


  1. Egbefo, O.D. (October, 2009) “The contribution of Archaeology of the Nigerian Region for National Development”, Paper Presented at the 12th Conference of the West African Archaeological Association, National Commission for Museum and Monuments, Jos.


  1. Egbefo, O.D., (October, 2008) “Euro-Centric views and Pre-Colonial Civilizations in Nigeria Historiography”. A Paper Presented at The 53rd Annual Congress of the Historical Society of Nigeria, Gombe State University, Gombe Theme Historicizing National Security, Order and Rule of Law in Nigeria.


  1. Egbefo, O.D., (November 2005) “Recent Advances in Benin Archaeological Studies” Paper Presented at The 12 Annual Conference of the Archaeological Association of Nigeria, Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.


  1. Egbefo, O.D., (August 2003) “The Issues on Human Rights and the Nigerian Minorities” Paper Presented at the Centre for Research and Documentation (CRD) Annual Research Training Workshop, Kano Theme: Citizenship Rights and Democratization Process in Nigeria.
  3. Chapters in Books and Conference Proceeding:


  1. Egbefo, O.D., (2017) “The Media, Democratic Consolidation and National Integration: The Challenges of Ethnic Militias” in Bamisaye, O.A. and Alimi, M.K.O., (eds). Reflections on the State of the Nigerian State, Ile-Ife Oduduwa University, pp.163-201.


  1. Egbefo, O.D., (2016) “National Integration and Nation Building, Since 1914: Need to Address Primordial Structures” in Terhemba Wuam and Victor Egwemi (ed), The 1914 Amalgamation and a Century of Nigerian Nationhood. Bahiti and Dalita Publishers, Lagos. 106-128


  1. Egbefo, O.D., (2014) “The Construction of Minority and Minority Rights before Nigeria’s Independence” in Terhemba Wuam, et al (eds) Federalism, Politics and Minorities in Nigeria: Essays in Honour of Professor G.N. Hembe (1944-2008) Lagos, Bahiti and Dalila Publishers pp249-265.


  1. Egbefo, O.D.,(2013), “Entrepreneurship Studies as a Potent Tool for Poverty Reduction among Graduates of Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria: Theme: Time we move from Theories to practicability “Conference Proceeding 1st International Conference, School of Technology Education, Federal University of Technology, Minna 6th – 9th October, 2013.


  1. Egbefo, O.D., (2012) “The Economic Impact of Colonial Rule on Esanland of Edo State, Nigeria 1900-1960” in Lapai Democracy Series. Joseph Mangut and Terhemba Wuam (eds)

Colonialism and the Transition to Modernity in Africa, Department of History and International Studies, Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University Lapai pp.614-625.




  1. Egbefo, O.D., (2010) “Education for Self-Reliance: A Veritable Tool for the Attainment of the Millennium Development Goals in Nigeria” in Talla, N.S., et al Education for Sustainable Development in Nigeria, Faculty of Education and Arts Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai, Niger State Nigeria.


  1. Egbefo O.D., (2008) “Educational Imbalance between the North and the South; A Historical Survey”, in A.S. Okegbile, et al Education and Development in Northern Nigeria, Faculty of

Education and Arts Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai, Niger State, Nigeria.



  1. Textbook Publication(so far)


  1. Egbefo, O.D., and Obaje, Aisha (Mrs.) (2015), Nigerian Peoples and Culture: (General Studies Text for Tertiary Institutions), IBB University Lapai, Niger State Nigeria. Ibadan: Royal Glow Publication.


  1. Egbefo, O.D., Samuel I. Ibbi and D.S. Kure (2015), Philosophy and History of Science and Technology, Produced for the General Studies Unit, IBB University Lapai Niger State, Ajiboye Publishing Press.


  1. Egbefo, O.D., et’al (2013) Hand Book on Logic, Philosophy and Human Existence: Students’ Handbook Abeokuta: Gbemi Sodipo Press Ltd.


  1. Egbefo, O.D., and Ogieze, A.B. (2013), The Uromi, Ewohimi and Ubiajia People of Edo State before the Colonial Period (Fourth coming).


  1. Egbefo O.D., et’al (2010), Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution for Nigerian Undergraduates, Star-Links Books, Jos Nigeria.


  1. Learned Journals


  1. Egbefo, O.D., (2017), “Democracy, Rule of Law and Accountability: Options for Safeguarding National Security and Economic Development in 21st Century Nigeria”. Faculty Seminar Series, Faculty of Management and Social Sciences, IBB University, Lapai. I, No.1, pp.80-116.


  1. Egbefo, O.D. and Abe M.O.,(2017), “Entrepreneurship Education: A Vital Instrument for Youth Empowerment, Industrial Development and Consolidation of National Integration in Nigeria” African Research Review, an International Multi-disciplinary Journal, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, 11(1), S/No 45, pp.28-48.


  1. Egbefo, O.D.,(2016), “The Non-Violent Pattern of Religious Interaction in Lapai Emirate, 1960-2015” Lapai Journal of Nigerian History, Department of History and International Studies, Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai, Niger State, Nigeria. 9, No.1 pp.43-64.


  1. Egbefo, O.D. and Osagie, J.I.,(2016), “Impact of Colonial Rule on Inter-group Relations Between Benin and Esan Peoples of Nigeria”, Romanian Journal of History and International Studies, Department of International Relations and World History, University of Bucharest, III, No.2 pp.59-89.


  1. Egbefo, O.D., (2016), “Conflict, Peacemaking and Intergroup Cooperation among Ean, Edo State, Nigeria in the Pre-colonial Period: Lessons for Contemporary Nigeria in Search o

Ethnic Integration”; A Journal of Department of History and International Studies, Nigeria Police Academy Wudil, Kano, Nigeria. Polack Historical (Review) Vol.2, No.1. pp.92-118.


  1. Egbefo, O.D., (2016), “Intergroup Relations in Post-Independence Nigeria: The Case Study of Ihuelen Festival of Egwuare Ekpoma People, Edo State and its Impact”. Nigeria Police Academy Journal of Humanities. A Publication of the Faculty of Humanities, Nigeria Police Academy, Wudil Kano, Nigeria.1, No.1. pp.234-261


  1. Egbefo, O.D.,(2016), “Intergroup Relations and Nation Building in Post-Independence Nigeria: The Return of Civilian Rule and its consolidative Impact on Benin-Esan Relations, 1979-1983”, Nigeria Police Academy Journal of Humanities, A Publication of the Faculty of Humanities, Nigeria Police Academy, Wudil Kano, Nigeria.1, No.2. pp.170-194


  1. Egbefo, O.D., (2015), “The Development of Local Government Council in Nigeria 1955-1981: A Foundation of a New Political System and Consolidation of Inter Group Relations in Esan Society, Nigeria”. Journal of Arts and Education (JOLAE), IBB University, Lapai.

Vol.7, No.2. pp.181-192.

  1. Egbefo, O.D., (2015), “Terrorism in Nigeria: It’s Implication for Nation Building and National Integration”. Al-Hikmah Journal of History and International Relations (AJHIR),College of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Alhikmah University, Ilorin, Vol.2, No.2, pp.18-38.


  1. Egbefo, O.D., (2015), “National Integration and Sustainable Democracy in Nigeria: A Historical Perspective”. Al-Hikmah Journal of History and International Relations (AJHIR),College of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Alhikmah University, Ilorin, Vol.2, No.2, pp.188-203.


  1. Egbefo, O.D., (2015), “State Formation in Africa: A Case of Otoresan, Esanland, Edo State, Nigeria before 1900”. Anyigba Journal of Arts and Humanities, Kogi State University, Vol.13, No.4, pp.153-180.


  1. Egbefo, O.D., (2015), “Ethnicity, Economic Injustice and Problems of Massive Corruption: Correlates with Lack of Good Governance in Nigeria”, in Namibia Journal of Managerial Science, Inter-national University of Management, Bachbrecht, Windhoek, Namibia.


Vol.1, No. 2, November 2015, Pp 24-40 Email:


  1. Egbefo, O.D.,(2015), “Esan Women in the Pre-colonial Palm Oil Production and Marketing, Esanland, Edo State, Nigeria”, in Spring Board Journal, Al-Hikmah University, Ilorin, Volume 7, No. 1, 2015 Pp126-137.


  1. Egbefo, O.D.,(2015), “Contending Issues of Corruption, Accountability and Good Governance in Nigeria: The Role of History as a Way Forward” POLAC Historical Review,

Nigerian Police Academy, Wudil, Kano, Nigeria, Volume 1, No 1pp285-308


  1. Egbefo, O.D.,(2015), “The Fragility of the Nigerian Federal System and the Quest for National Integration: Some Contending Issues and Way Forward” POLAC International Journal of Humanities And Security Studies, Nigerian Police Academy, Wudil, Kano, Nigeria, 1, No 1, p93-122


  1. Egbefo, O.D., (2015), “Resistance to Colonial Rule in Nigeria: Esanland Encounter with the British Colonialists and its Effects on Intra-Inter Group Relations”, in Academic Horizon, A Journal of the School of Postgraduate Studies, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Nigeria.


Vol. 1, pp54-70







  1. Egbefo, O.D., (2015), “Leadership and Ethno-Religious Crises: Implications for National Integration in Nigeria”, African Research Review,9 (4), S/No 39, September, pp.92-109. jafrev@yahoo. com


  1. Egbefo, O.D., (2015), “Political Changes in Esanland, Southern Nigeria during British Rule, 1900-1960”, Sokoto Journal of History, Department of History, Usman Dan Fodio University, Nigeria4, pp.29-42.


  1. Egbefo, O.D., (2015), “Intra-Group Relations among Ekpoma Group of Villages, Edo State Nigeria in the Pre-colonial Era: A Historical Perspective”. Sokoto Journal of History, of History, Usman Dan Fodio University, Nigeria, Vol.4, pp.94-112.


  1. Egbefo, O.D., (2015), “Stemming Religious Fundamentalism: Need for Christian-Muslim Relations in Nigeria”, Lapai Journal of Sociology, of Sociology, IBB University, Lapai, Nigeria,Vol.6, No.1, pp.56-71.


  1. Egbefo, O.D., and Eboreime, O.J. (2015), “Aspects of Economic Production among Esan Women of Present Edo State, Nigeria 1850-1960” AZILO Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma. 1, No.1, pp.45-67.


  1. Egbefo, O.D., (2015), “Accountability and Good Governance: Options for Youth Violence in Nigeria”. In International Journal of History and Cultural Studies (IJHCS),1, No.2, pp17-28.


  1. Egbefo, O.D., (2015), “Citizenship Rights and Ethnic Contestation in Central Nigeria: the Experience of the Tiv in Taraba and Nassarawa State, 1960-2014”. In VUNA Journal of History and International Relations, Department of History and International Relations, College of Humanities, Veritas University, Abuja. 2, No.2 pp.329-340.


  1. Egbefo, O.D., (2015), “Aspect of Intergroup Relations in 21st Century Nigeria; Emblem of Ethnicity, Religious Fundamentalism and National Security Crisis, 2000-2015”. In International Journal of Arts and Humanities (IJAH), (pp.66-87), 4, No.1.


  1. Egbefo, O.D., (2015), “Fifteen Years of Democracy (1999-2014): Reflections on Nigeria’s Quest for National Integration”, African Research Review (Multidisciplinary), Affrev Group of Journals. 9 (2) S/No 37.


  1. Egbefo, O.D., (2015), “A Historical Perspective of the Nigeria Military in Intergroup Relations and Nation Building: The Case of Midwestern Region 1966-1979”. POLAC Historical Review Maiden Edition January-June, Department of History and International Studies, Nigeria Police Academy, Wudil, Kano State. 57-86


  1. Egbefo, O.D., (2015), “Accountability and Good Governance at the Grassroots Level in Nigeria: Options for Rural Poverty Alleviation”, Journal of Research in National Development, Department of Maritime Management Technology, Federal University of Technology, Owerri. 13, No.1, pp.10-20.,


  1. Egbefo, O.D. and O.J. Eborieme(2014), “The 1897 British Conquest of Benin Kingdom and its Impact on Benin-Esan Intergroup Relations” in Journal of Arts and Education (JOLAE), Vol.7, pp.218-232, Faculty of Education and Arts, Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida


University, Lapai Nigeria.









  1. Egbefo, O.D., (2014), “Religion: An Instrument for Enhancing National Security and Harmonious Existence in Nigeria” SAPHA: A Journal of Historical Studies, Department of History, University of Abuja, Nigeria.3, No.1. pp.245-263.


  1. Egbefo, O.D., (2014), “The Sustainability of Nigerian Democracy: Contending Issues and the Way Forward”, Al-Hikmah Journal of History and International Relations. Department of

History and International Relations, College of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Al-Hikmah University, Ilorin, Nigeria. Vol.1, No.1 p150-173.


  1. Egbefo, O.D., and Salihu, H.A. (2014), “The Imposition of Colonial Rule and the Foundations of a New Economy in Esanland, 1900-1960”. Journal of Languages, Literature and Communication Studies (LAJOLLACs), Faculty of Languages and Communication Studies, IBB University, Lapai Niger State, Nigeria.2, No.1, pp.24-38.
  2. Egbefo, O.D., (2014), “Notes on the Pre-Colonial Economy of Ora-land Edo State Nigeria up to 1899”, Lapai Journal of Humanities, Department of History and International Studies, IBB University Lapai, Niger State, Nigeria. 8, No.2, pp.216-231.
  3. Egbefo, O.D., and Ogie-Idehen, S., (2014), “Human Capital Flight and the Developmental Problem in Africa”, SAU Journal of Humanities, College of Humanities, Samuel Adegboyega University, Ogwa, Edo State, Nigeria. 2, No.1&2, pp.142-154.
  4. Egbefo, O.D., and Salihu, H.A., (2014), “The Impact of Trade and Commercial Activities on Pre-colonial Esan Economy Up to 1900”, In SAU Journal of Humanities. College of Humanities, Samuel Adegboyega University, Ogwa, Edo State, Nigeria. 2, No.1&2. pp.164-175.
  5. Egbefo, O.D., (2014), “The Contributions of Archaeology of the Nigerian Region to National Integration”, Lapai Journal of Central Nigeria History, Department of History and International Studies, IBB University Lapai, Niger State, Nigeria. 8, No.1, pp.73-90.
  6. Egbefo, O.D., and Salihu, H.A. (2014), “Internal Security Crisis in Nigeria: Causes, Types, Effects and Solutions, International Journal of Arts and Humanities (IJAH) Vol.3 (4) S/No12. afrevonline@yahoo.com176-15
  7. Egbefo, O.D., (2014), “Ethnic Nationalism and use of Violence in Democratic Governance in Nigeria: A threat to National Security”, Lapai International Journal of Politics, (LIJOPOL).

Department of Political Science, IBB University Lapai, Niger State, Nigeria. Vol.2, No.2, pp.48-61

  1. Egbefo, O.D., and Ogbomo, O.A. (2014), “Political Parties in Nigeria’s Emerging Democracy: Some Critical Reflections”. In VUNA Journal of History and International College of Humanities, Veritas University, Abuja. Vol.2, No.1. pp.26-43.
  2. Egbefo, O.D., and Salihu H.A., (2014), “Ethnicity, Economic Injustice and Problems of Massive Corruption: Correlates in Explaining why Good Governance Eludes Nigeria”. Lapai International Journal of Politics (LIJOPOL). Department of Political Science, Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University Lapai, Niger State Nigeria. 2, No.1, June 2014.
  3. Egbefo, O.D., and Osagie, J.I. (2014), “Pre-colonial Benin-European Contacts as Catalyst to the Consolidation of Esan-Benin Relations”. In Journal of African Politics and Society.

Department of History and International Studies, Kogi State University, Anyigba, Nigeria. Vol.3, No.1. pp.1-20.







  1. Egbefo, O.D., (2014), “Pre-colonial Pattern of Contacts in Nigeria: The Case of Benin-Esan Socio-Cultural Relations”. In Journal of African Politics and Society, Department of History and International Studies, Kogi State University, Anyigba, Nigeria. 3, No.1. pp.95-109.
  2. Egbefo, O.D., (2014), “Entrepreneurship Education in Nigeria Higher Institutions of Learning as a Factor for Achieving Graduate Employment”. In Journal of Information, Education, Science and Technology. Federal University of Technology Minna, Niger State.


Vol.1, No.2. pp.133-143.

  1. Egbefo, O.D., (2014), “Historical Consciousness in Pre-Literate and Contemporary Benin and Esan Societies of Present Edo State, Nigeria”. In the Journal of Languages, Literature and Communication Studies (LAJOLLACs), Faculty of Languages and Communication Studies, Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai Niger State, Nigeria.1, No.2. pp.76-94
  2. Egbefo, O.D., and Hadiza Salihu (2014) “The Current Global Economic Crisis: Implication for Best Teacher Practices for University Graduate Capacity Building in Nigeria”. In

International Journal of Arts and Humanities (IJAH), Vol.3 (1) S/No.9, pp121-144.

  1. Egbefo, O.D., (2014), “Pre-Colonial Socio-Political System as Social Cohesion in Esan Kingdom Edo State Nigeria up to 1900” in Sokoto Journal of History, Department of History, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria. 3 September, 2014. Pp.23-40


  1. Egbefo, O.D. (2013), “Intergroup Relations in Pre-colonial Nigeria: Origin, Causes and Impact of the Nupe Invasion of Afenmailand, 1861-1897” in Lapai Journal of Central Nigeria History, Department of History and International Studies, Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai, Niger State Nigeria.2, No.1. p.36-53.
  2. Egbefo, O.D., (2013) “Fostering Inter-Group Relations in Nigeria: A Case Study of Benin-Esan Relations of Present Edo State c1500-1897AD”. Postgraduate Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, Postgraduate School, University of Ilorin, Nigeria, 11, No.1, pp.203-220.
  3. Egbefo, O.D., (2013) “Perspectives in Benin and Esan Tradition of Origin, Migratory and Settlement History: The Need for more investigation” In Journal of African Politics and Society, Department of History and International Studies, Kogi State University Vol.2, No.2, pp55.75.
  4. Egbefo, O.D., and O.J. Eboreime (2012), “Nigerian History, University Education and the Challenges of Globalization” In Journal of Arts and Education (JOLAE). Faculty of

Education and Arts, Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University Lapai, Niger State Nigeria. Vol.6, No.1, pp140-159.

  1. Egbefo, O.D., (2012) “Corruption in Nigerian Educational System: It’s Implication in Manpower and Nation Development in the Age of Globalization”. In Journal of Arts and Education (JOLAE), Faculty of Education and Arts, Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University Lapai, Niger State Nigeria.6 No.2. pp.149-166.
  2. Egbefo, O.D and Mangut, J.O. (eds.) (2010), “Operative Principles of Democracy and Federalism as key to National Integration in Nigeria” in Mangut, J. & Egbefo O.D. (eds).The Fourth Republic & National Integration in Nigeria 1999-2009, Lapai Democracy Series


Department of History and Archaeology, Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University Lapai, Niger State Nigeria. pp1-9

  1. Egbefo, O.D., (2010) “Appraisal of Ethnic Nationalism and Violence in the Fourth Republic”, in Mangut, J. and Egbefo, O.D (eds.); The Fourth Republic and National Integration in Nigeria 1999-2009. Lapai Democracy Series, Department of History and


Archaeology, Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai, Niger State Nigeria.pp.139-155

  1. Egbefo, O.D., (2009) “The Religious and Ethnological Practices in the 18th and 19th Centuries Esanland Nigeria”. HERITAGE, Journal of the National Commission for Museums and Monuments. Published Annually by the National Commission for Museums and Monuments, Abuja Nigeria. 17&18, pp.149-162.
  2. Egbefo, O.D., (2007-2008) “The Nupe Invasion of Esanland: An Assessment of its Socio-Political Impact on the People 1885-1897” HASKENM. Faculty of Education and Arts, Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University Lapai, Niger State, Nigeria.1. No.1, pp.95-107.
  3. Egbefo, O.D., (2007) “The Pre-Colonial Economy of Esanland up to 1800” Journal of Law and International Security Department of Public Law, Ambrose Alli University Ekpoma, Edo State Nigeria.1. No.2, pp.50-66
  4. Egbefo, O.D., (2007) “The Economic Impact of Colonial Rule in Esanland 1900 to 1960”


Journal of Law and International Security, Department of Public Law, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo State, Nigeria.Vol.1. No.3, pp.29-40.

  1. Egbefo, O.D., (2006) “Colonial Rule and the Impact on Inter-group Relations in Esanland Nigeria” Lapai Journal of Central Nigeria History, Department of History and

International Studies, Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai, Niger State, Nigeria. Vol.2. No.1. pp.144-151

  1. Egbefo, O.D., (2006) “The Pre-Colonial Socio-Political Organization of Esanland up to 1800” Journal of Law and International Security, Department of Public Law, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo State, Nigeria.1. No.1, pp.83-101.

  1. Joseph I. Osagie


Department of History and International Studies University of Benin, Ugbowo Benin City,


  1. Sule Emmanuel Egya


Department of English,


Faculty of Languages and Communication Studies,

Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai, Niger State, Nigeria, 08069339285


  1. Wuam Terhemba (Reader)


Head of Department,

History and International Studies, Kaduna State University, Nigeria. 080269827735/0703924397




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Intergroup Relations; Social History

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