Alexander Olawumi Dabor

Alexander in EDSU

Staff Name: Dr Alexander Olawumi Dabor

Phone: 08161610466


Staff Website:Staff has no personal website yet

Faculty: Faculty of Arts, Management and Social Sciences

Department: Accounting

Position: Associate Professor


My Abridge Profile

CURRICULUM   VITAE                                                                


Name:                                           DABOR Alexander Olawumi.

Present Status:                             Lecturer  1.

Date of Birth:                               19th February, 1980.

Place of birth:                              Lagos.

State of origin:                           Delta State      

Nationality:                                Nigeria 

Sex:                                            Male

Marital Status:                            Married

Number of Children:                  Nil

Contact address:                          Department of Accounting & Economics, Faculty of Arts,  

                                                    Management and Social Sciences.

Permanent Home address:        10 Baruwa Street, Ogoluwa, Osogbo-Osun State 

Phone Number:                         08161610466                             


Area of Research Interest:        Financial reporting and auditing

Date of first appointment         1st February 2012  

Date of last promotion           4th April 2015                                                      


SCHOLS ATTENDED                  QUALIFICATIONS                             DATES

University of Benin.                     PhD   Accounting                                     2017

Igbinedion University Okada       MSc. Accounting.                                     2010

University of Benin                      BSc.  Accounting   .                                  2005

Saint’s John College Kaduna             WASC                                                 1996

Army Children School, Kaduna        .FS.L.C                                                 1989


Edo University Iyahmo                                                                                         2017

Job Scope:                                      Teaching and Researcher            

Position                                           Lecture I                                                                                         




Veritas University Abuja                                                                             2015-2017      

Job Scope                                 Teaching and Research

Position                                          Lecturer I

Fountain University Osogbo                                                                      2012-2015                                                        

Job Scope                                   Teaching and Research                                   

Position:                                      Lecturer II


Dabor, A.O. & Fatimoh,M.(2014).Corporate Governance and Earnings Management in the Nigerian Banking sector. IMSU Journal of Business, 3(1)23-45


Dabor, A.O. &Adeniji, A.L .(2014).Board characteristics and timeliness of financial reporting in the Nigerian banking sector .ESUT Journal of Accountancy,5(1),58-62


Dabor,A.O.& Aggreh,M.(2014).Audit Quality, Non-audit services and Auditor     Independence of selected quoted companies in Nigeria. ESUT Journal of Accountancy, 5(2), 39-44


Dabor,A.O.& Oserogho,A.I.(2014) Firm Attributes and Financial Reporting Quality in the Nigeria banking sector. ESUT Journal of Accountancy, 5(2), 10-19    


Dabor,A.O.& Ohonba,N.(2014).Determinants of audit fee in the Nigerian banking sector.  IMSU Journal of Business, 4(1)20-34   


Dabor,A.O.& Mohammed,F.(2014).Equipment leasing :A facet of corporate strategy. SEREN Journal of Management, 4(1)78-88



Dabor,A.O.& Fatimoh, M.(2015).Determinants Audit delay in the Nigerian banking sector. Fountain Journal of Management and Social Sciences, 4(1), 74-91


Dabor,A.O.,Isiavwe,D.T.,Ajagbe,M.A.& Oke,A.O (2015)Impact of corporate governance on firm performance. International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, 3(6), 634-654



Dabor,E.L&Dabor A.O. (2015).Corporate social responsibility and performance of Nigerian banking Sector. Ilorin Journal of Marketing,2(1),122-132


 Dabor ,A.O. & Dabor, E.L.(2015).The determinants of Corporate Social responsibility in the Nigeria banking sector. Ilorin Journal of Marketing,2(2),49-58 


Dabor,O.A.& Dabor, E.L.(2015).Audit committee characteristics, board characteristic and financial reporting quality in Nigerian quoted companies. International Journal of Commerce and Management,3(1)1292-1905           


 Dabor.A.O & Mohammed,F.(2015).Challenges facing women accountants in Nigeria. Arabian Journal of Accounting, 18(1)128-146


 Fatimoh,M.& Dabor,O.A.(2015).Determinants of salaried tax payers behaviour in Nigeria. Arabian Journal of management, Kuwait chapter, 3(5)1-15 


          Dabor,A.O & Aggreh,M.,& Aneru,M .(2015). Adoption of computerized   

                                        accounting   system by SMEs in Benin City. International    

                                        Academic   Journal of Economics,3(1)48-65


Dabor,A.O.& Iyamu,B.E.(2015).Internal Audit a tool for achieving organizational objectives. Siren Journal of business


Dabor,E.L.& Dabor, A.O.(2016).Academic expertise, board political, board reputation and financial reporting quality in Nigerian quoted companies. International Journal of Management and Social Science Research Review, 1(5)152-157


Dabor,E.L, Dabor,A.O,& Aggreh, M.(2016).Environmental accounting practices: A comparative study of manufacturing and oil & gas sector. Igbinedion Journal of Accounting.


Dabor,A.O,& Aggreh, M.(2017). Adoption of International Public Sector Accounting by government ministries and agencies in Nigeria. International Journal of Marketing & Financial Management, 5(5)52-65


Dabor,A.O,&  Abraham Adamu ONAJI (2017)Firm Characteristics, CEO Characteristics and the Adoption of Management Accounting Techniques by One-Man Owned Furniture Companies in Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Management Science(NJMS) Faculty of Management Sciences, Benue State University, Makurdi,  6(1)20-32

Dabor,A.O,& Eguasa Beauty Ekiomado (2017)Auditor independence in government parastatal in Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Management Science(NJMS) Faculty of Management Sciences, Benue State University, Makurdi,6(1)1-12   


Dabor,E.L.& Dabor .O.A.(2017).Auditor attributes and Earnings quality in the Nigerian banking sector.. REIKO International Journal of Management.

Alexander Olawumi Dabor & Alexander Oserogho (2017) Challenges facing Small and Medium  Scale Enterprises in Nigeria.. International Journal of Marketing & Financial Management, 5(5)52-65.

Dabor,A.O,& Aggreh, M.(2017). Islamic baking in Nigeria: Prospect and challenges.International Journal of Social Sciences & Educational Studies,4(1)4-32        



Undergraduate courses

ACC 304       Oil & gas Accounting,

ACC401        Advanced Financial Accounting

ACC301         Financial Accounting


Student member Association of Certified Chartered Accountant (ACCA) Oxford   

   Brooks University London


Prof. E.L. Dabor

Accounting Department, University of Benin


Prof. C. Okafor

Accounting   Department, University of Benin


Pst. A.A. Adelagan

Christ Eternal Life Mission, Ibadan-,Oyo State



Area Of Specilization

Auditing & Corporate Reporting and Taxation

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